
Painting +  is a place for regular studio discussions about painting, an exchange of ideas and texts dealing with the everyday task of painting.It started in autumn 2019 with a series of informal discussions on painting with Newcastle University Fine Art students from all years (Undergraduate and Postgraduate).

This year we will have a series of conversations with painters, practical painting workshops and reading group meetings, discussing texts dealing with the idea of painting.

Every forum meeting we will discuss paintings or a text (see Readings for previous discussions). The assigned text will be available before the meeting to download from this website. (Don’t worry if you are not able to read the text before the session, there will be a brief summary at the beginning of the meeting.)
No signing-up required, please join us at the time indicated below.

Next Painting Forum:

Please see the reading for the Forum here,Please read before the meeting as we will discuss the text.

Amy Silman, On Colour (2016), it can be found here on her website:

Please find the reading: Sam Cornish: Space Through Colour

Friday 18 Oct 2024

Please join us for the first Painting Forum 2024/25

Meeting point: 18 October 2024, 2-4 PM, Long Gallery
We will walk through the studios and speak about paintings in progress.
(Please let me know if you are interested in discussing your work.)
I will also speak about the programme for the next sessions.

Open to everyone!

Any questions, please contact me

Fri 8 March 10 AM, XL Gallery

Artist Call///Red Table 2024

A Red Table painted 70 years ago. So what…? We want to know from you. A response to Red Table 70 years later. Bring your painting, sculpture film performance to the XL Gallery on 7 March, 10 AM. Red Table Project

Workshop with painter Maggie Ayliffe (Liverpool John Moores) and Christian Mieves

Between 1952 and 1957 the Fine Art Department set the foundation for a painting collection, as part of the Hatton Gallery. This collection , called the “teaching collection”, was an integral part of the Fine Art department. We want to use the opportunity to revisit the unique resource and want to ask, how the use of language encountering paintings has changed in in the decades.

For this reason, we invite you, as part of the Painting Forum, to take part in the project, to access the archive at our doorsteps and respond creatively to a painting from the collection.

Take part in the exhibition and workshop with painter Maggie Ayliffe.

Key Dates:
7 March 2024, 10 AM : Submission
8 March 2024, 10 AM: Painting Forum

Further Reading

Foster Archival Impulse

Sekula Body Archive

There will be 3 meetings in Sem 1, 2023/24.

The first meeting will be on Thursday, 19 Oct 2023, 2 5PM, Long Gallery.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Christian as organiser of the forum ( .

22 April 2021, 1 PM
Narbi Price
Lockdown Paintings

Narbi Price is a painter based in Newcastle.

Narbi Price was the Journal Culture Awards Visual Artist of the Year 2018, and the winner of the Contemporary British Painting Prize 2017. He is featured in Phaidon’s Vitamin P3 – New Perspectives in Painting and was a prizewinner in the John Moores Painting Prize 2012. He has recently completed an AHRC funded PhD at Newcastle University in partnership with Woodhorn Museum.

Thursday 25 March 2021, 1 PM
Andrew Mummery
Slow Looking / Close Reading’,  

Between 1996 and 2014 Andrew Mummery set up and ran two art galleries – the Andrew Mummery Gallery, from 1996 to 2006, and Mummery + Schnelle, from 2007 to 2014. He saw his role as a gallerist as an enabling one. It was his hope that the works of the individual artists that featured in the exhibition programmes of the two galleries would be more fully realised when they found an audience, and were experienced, in the gallery space. He exhibited artists who he believed were making significant work that deserved to be seen by a wider audience.
More info:

Suggested Reading: Please read the two texts below, as we will discuss them in the session.
MERLIN JAMES with Louis Block: “That’s something art often does, in different ways—makes the real artificial and the artificial real. Link
Carol Rhodes and Andrew Mummery in conversation  Link

22 Oct 2020, 12.00 – 14.00
Sarah Cooney

Sarah Cooney is painter based in the North East of England.  Her paintings show a sense of mobility. The paintings often deviate from a traditional understanding of order by relying on the‘ innate logic of a painting’s overriding force.’  Sarah Cooney graduated from RCA in 2008. Recent solo and group exhibitions include Creekside Open (Selected by Brian Griffiths), APT Gallery (London), Cupola Contemporary Art (Sheffield), Paper Gallery (Manchester), The Royal Standard (Liverpool) HaTS (Berlin), 10th International Biennial of Contemporary Art, (St Petersburg, Russia).

More info:

Artist Conversation: Sarah Cooney
Artist website

05 Nov 2020, 12.00 – 14.00
Hannah Morris

Artist Conversation: Hannah Morris
Hannah Morris is an artist originally from upstate NY living and working in London, England towards a practice based PhD in Art and Art History at Newcastle University. The imagery in her work evolves out of a diaristic thought process striving to access and expose a hidden truth. Her research is focused on working through a passage to the other: contemporary painting narratives told through a dichotomy of past and present, self reflection and exposing a truth unknown to the creator.
Artist Website

Suggested Reading: Isabelle Graw: ‘Painting in a Different Light:
A Conversation with Jutta Koether about Joan Mitchell, see Link

3. Session 26 Nov 2020, 12.00 – 14.00
Zoom Link and details below.
Julie Mehretu, The art of calamity: a new show of work by the abstract painter

Andrew Bracey, Reconfigure Painting (Dirck Hals) 2014, Gouache on print.

10 Dec 2020, 12.00 – 14.00
Andrew Bracey

Artist Conversation: Andrew Bracey
More info, please click here.
Bracey, A. (2018), ‘Parasitical paintings’, Journal of Contemporary Painting, 4:2, pp. 325–44. (See reading section for link)

Brendan Fletcher, Exitêla, 2020, acrylics on canvas

5 June 2020
Brendan Fletcher

Brendan Fletcher works as an artist and writer.  He is engaged in an abstract painting practice.  Recent exhibitions include, Homer’s Ghost, PAPER Gallery, Manchester, Fully Awake 5.6, Freelands Foundation, London, Inner-Landscapes, Hilbertraum, Berlin and Inter-section, Market Gallery, Huddersfield (all 2019).

Simon Harris DEAD FLAG BLUES, 2020

22 May 2020
Simon Harris

Simon J Harris’ paintings are cinematic in scale with a potent, awe-inspiring presence. The surface is glossy and luminous like celluloid film, creating a hyper-real intensity which immediately engages the viewer with the physicality and the compositional qualities of the paintings


Henry Ward , Raft Oil on canvas 100 x 115cm

15 May 2020 
Henry Ward

Henry Ward is an artist, writer, curator and educator living in London.
He works across a range of media and with a variety of approaches. Working predominantly in painting, drawing and sculpture and  but using photography, film and collage.


Back and Forth 2020, gouache on paper, 18 x 26 cm

1 May 2020
Louisa Chambers

Since graduating with an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art in 2007 Louisa Chambers has had a studio-based practice with an inquiry into expanded Painting practice. This has been predominantly through painting but more recently sculpture and wall painting that considers installation approaches in Fine Art. 


At the moment I am looking for the best option to continue the online discussion via Skype, Teams or Zoom. The blog has an extensive list of online material  such as videos and online texts on painting. We are also starting an online Gallery to display your recent paintings. (Please keep uploading your images!)

Everybody is welcome to join the discussion and leave comments. So, if you would like to take part, join the zoom meeting by clicking on the invitation link ( see updated link above). If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact:

Aldo Van Eyck: Playground, Nieuwmarkt.