Undergraduate Opportunity

A message from just down the road for those of you interested:

Dear all,

I am writing on behalf of the Durham University Philosophy Society to invite undergraduate students to submit papers for consideration for our upcoming conference.

Submissions will be blind reviewed and every level of undergraduate is encouraged to apply – you don’t have to be a third year to take part!

The conference will take place on the 10th and 11th of June 2017 in the Lindisfarne Centre at St. Aidan’s College. Papers will be given in the morning followed by a keynote speaker and then panel discussion involving all the speakers in the afternoon. Papers should be no more than 5000 words in length, but can relate to any area of Philosophy. The deadline for submissions is Friday 2nd June 2017, and submissions should be sent to phil.soc@durham.ac.uk. In order for submissions to be blindly reviewed we require that no identifying information of any kind (University, name etc.)  should be present within the paper, but the email you send with it should contain your name, contact email, University and year of study.

If your paper is selected for the conference you will be asked to give a talk of 20-30 mins. This will be followed by a rebuttal given by one of the members of the Philosophy Society who will have read your paper ahead of time and prepared a 10 minute response with objections. You will then be given an opportunity to defend your paper before opening up the floor to questions. We will also endeavour to fit discussion topics in the afternoon sessions to the themes relevant to the papers submitted, and all speakers will be invited to take part in this panel discussion. In light of the department’s In Parenthesis research project (more information below) we will be endeavouring to make such discussion as open and collaborative as possible in order to foster the involvement and co-operation of all participants in a joint philosophical project. This will provide a refreshing contrast to the more traditional style of the first half of each day of the conference and, as is our hope and contention, a fruitful one.

Finally, successful speakers will have their papers published in a special Proceedings issue of our Undergraduate Journal Critique, which has been re-established this year.

For details of the venue please see: https://www.dur.ac.uk/event.durham/venues/colleges/aidans.college/photographs/?imageid=4044

For details of the In Parenthesis project see: https://www.dur.ac.uk/philosophy/research/research_projects/parenthesis/

For details of Critique see it’s twitter page and past issues here: https://twitter.com/dups_critique?lang=en-gb

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at the above email address.

Kind regards,

Nicholas Allen
Durham University Philosophy Society President

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