Dear All,
Just to let you know about a conference on French Philosophy that’s happening in London on September 8th 2018. It’s being organised by the Philosophical Society of England, a society devoted to bringing philosophy to an audience beyond the walls of the University, and Newcastle University.
The idea, in this case, is to introduce members of the public (and, of course, this includes students and anyone else who is interested) to a certain tradition in philosophy that they might not otherwise have had a chance to encounter, so the talks will aim to be very accessible, and to introduce certain strands and thinkers within the French tradition.
Please contact the organiser, Michael Bavidge, to register your interest in attending. Details follow:
Day Conference on French Philosophy
Saturday September 8th 2018
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London, WC1R 4RL
10.00 am Coffee
10.30 am Sexual Desire in Scruton, Althusser, and Lacan
Alison Assiter
University of the West of England
11.45 am Coffee
11.50 am The Very Idea of a National Philosophy
Michael Lewis
University of Newcastle
1.15 pm Lunch
2.00 pm The Contribution of French Philosophy since World War 2 to Aesthetics
Jean-Baptiste Dussert
Ecole du Louvre, University of Paris-Sud,
Jean Monnet Faculty
3.15 pm Tea
3.30 pm The exemplary impatience of Emmanuel Levinas
Paul Davies
University of Sussex
5 pm Close
Students and Unwaged – Free
Waged – £15 payable on the day
(includes tea and coffee throughout the day)
Organiser: Michael Bavidge (michael.bavidge@newcastle.ac.uk)