A list of forthcoming events, in and around Newcastle Philosophy. Please come along!
Thursday 30th May: Workshop on CRISIS IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT, Percy Building G.10, 9:45am-3:45pm (Book a place here: https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=4895079)
(updated programme may be available here: https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?e=&u=c72bd860f217ad40032f7617d&id=1840c6cf43)
Tuesday 4th June: Michael Bavidge book launch, ‘Philosophy at the Margins’, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, 6:45pm
Wednesday 5th June: Philosophy Across Disciplines: Student Conference (with keynote speeches from Pete Wolfendale and Michael Bavidge).
Saturday 6th July, Michael Bavidge study day on Border-Philosophy, Commercial Union House, 39 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6RQ, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm [Download Brochure]