Monthly Archives: February 2021

Be interviewed for a project on diversity in Philosophy

Anne-Marie McCallion from Manchester University writes:

I am looking for students to take part in my research into diversity in philosophy and factors that cause the attrition of marginalised groups from the undergraduate to postgraduate levels. This research is part of an AHRC [Arts and Humanities Research Council] funded joint project with the British Philosophical Association and the Diversity Reading List.

I am interested in recruiting participants of all levels of philosophical study from undergraduate to postgraduate levels in order to discuss their experience of studying philosophy and thoughts about curriculum diversity. Participation in this research will involve a semi-structured interview concerning some central philosophical topics, experiences studying philosophy, and why you would like to continue (or not to continue) in philosophy. The interview will last approximately one hour and will take place via Zoom. There will also be a short questionnaire to fill out prior to the interview.  If you are interested in participating in this research please email me ( so that I can send you a participant information sheet which will contain more information. I am also more than happy to answer any questions you may have via email.