All posts by David

CfP: Journal 360° is looking for student submissions for issue on “home”

The interdisciplinary student journal “Journal 360°” welcomes student submissions for its next issue on the topic of “home” or “home country” (German: “Heimat”), broadly construed. Papers or essays should not exceed 28.000 characters (including spaces) and be written in either English or German.

Continue reading CfP: Journal 360° is looking for student submissions for issue on “home”


The Writing Development Centre website has moved

The Writing Development Centre website has moved to  There are re-directs in place from the old homepage and the tutorials page but please be aware that any other links will result in a page not found error.  There is also a link to the WDC from the Library homepage.

The student booking form for requesting one to one tutorials has also changed and now requires students to log in using their computer log-in e.g. A0123456.   If you have any queries please contact the Writing Development Centre using

published on: 8th November 2017

BCUR 2018

I would like to encourage all stage 2 and stage 3 students who are involved in their projects to think about presetting at this conference. If you are interested, drop me a lien so we can chat about — there may be support financially as well to attend.

BCUR 2018 will be held at the University of Sheffield

Newcastle University Philosophy Society

The Philosophy society is rising from the ashes like a glorious phoenix and we need people to come along to events and help get the ball rolling again.

We know that a problem people have had with the course in prior years has been the lack of cross year integration and social events, but now there is a solution! We plan to step into the void and fix this issue, giving you a pace to meet like-minded people and relax with your coursemates.

If you have any interest in philosophy outside of your course, or just want to socialise please do consider joining.

Our plan for the year is as follows:

· Our famous “Think and Drink” events: every Monday night.

· Bi-Weekly socials.

· A monthly reading group based upon books chosen by members.

· End of Term Formal Balls.

Membership is £5 and gives you free access to the socials, and the reading group, plus reduced ticket price for the Balls. For any more information please check our Facebook page.

Also consider giving us a like on Facebook, a follow on Twitter or just have a gander at our Instagram. Facebook: Twitter:


Get involved with the BBC

BBC Global Philosopher Club
Would you like to take part in truly global, philosophical debates about the issues which lie behind some of the biggest news stories of the moment? If so, BBC Radio 4 would love to hear from you!
Using a pioneering digital facility at Harvard Business School, debates are accessed via the internet, enabling thousands of participants to join in from wherever they are in the world.
To find out more about the BBC Global Philosopher Club and the upcoming live debate on Friday 26 January 2018, hosted by Professor Michael Sandel, please request to join the group on Facebook:

Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference CFA – (Dis)Continuous Identities: Globalisation, Trauma, and Reconciliation

In case you are interested…


As the new year approaches, I wanted to repost this CFA for our undergraduate conference in Bratislava. The deadline for abstracts is September 15.

James Griffith
Assistant Professor of Political Thought and Philosophy
Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts

Conference Presentation & Journal Contribution
(Dis)continuous Identities: Globalisation, Trauma, and Reconciliation

Deadline for Abstracts: September 15, 2017
Associated Institutions: BISLA, the Bratislava International
School of Liberal Arts
Continue reading Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference CFA – (Dis)Continuous Identities: Globalisation, Trauma, and Reconciliation

University Wide Language Programme

Some of you have been asking about language modules to complement your degree. Can I recommend an additional possibility, which will feature on your transcript on graduation, studied alongside your other modules…

 University Wide Language Programme

We offer free language classes to all Newcastle University students. Join us to learn Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese or Spanish.

Classes take place in the evening. Modules are worth 10 credits.

You will receive two weekly contact hours. The modules will be recognised on your marks transcript as extra credit.

For more information about the University Wide Language Programme, please click