Category Archives: Philosophy News

Forthcoming events in Newcastle Philosophy

A list of forthcoming events, in and around Newcastle Philosophy. Please come along!

Thursday 30th May: Workshop on CRISIS IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT, Percy Building G.10, 9:45am-3:45pm (Book a place here:

(updated programme may be available here:

Tuesday 4th June: Michael Bavidge book launch, ‘Philosophy at the Margins’, Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, 6:45pm

Wednesday 5th June: Philosophy Across Disciplines: Student Conference (with keynote speeches from Pete Wolfendale and Michael Bavidge).

Saturday 6th July,  Michael Bavidge study day on Border-Philosophy,  Commercial Union House, 39 Pilgrim Street,  Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6RQ, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm [Download Brochure]

Philosophy Summer School in Ljubljana


Philosophy Summer School (26-30 August 2019)

Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

As part of the activities marking the centenary  of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Arts is organising the Philosophy Summer School Fail better!’ led by the internationally renowned scholars known as ‘the Ljubljana School’,  Slavoj ŽižekAlenka Zupančič and Mladen Dolar, who will each give three extensive lectures and present their latest work. The programme will be concluded by a common session.

The title of the Summer School is taken from the famous quote by Samuel Beckett, ‘Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’ (Worstward Ho), and refers to a stark sense of failure of critical thought and of emancipatory politics, the rise of new populism, the emergence of previously unthinkable leaders, the looming social and economic contradictions, and the apocalyptic perspectives of global and ecological catastrophes. Such failure, however, is a starting point that instigates new intellectual engagement.

For more information on the Summer School which will take place at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in English, please click on the following link:

The number of participants is limited to 120.

Early bird fee registration is extended until 31 May.

Postgraduate funding for MLitt Philosophy, Newcastle University

If you’re interested in studying at Masters level at Newcastle but aren’t sure you have the money, there is funding available. Deadlines are relatively close, so move quickly, but have a look at these:

The Jacobsen fellowships: ?

And the Newcastle University Opportunities Scholarships, among others:

Apply for the MLitt here: 

Job Advertisement: Lecturer in Philosophy, Newcastle University

Newcastle University, U.K. is advertising for a Lecturer in Philosophy.

Advertisement – Click here to apply

Ref: B213038A  Lecturer in Philosophy (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Closing date: 10th May 2019

Projected interview date:  23rd May 2019

Salary: £40,792–£54,765 per annum (Lecturer Grade G)

We are seeking to appoint an experienced scholar with a specialisation in Modern European philosophy, who will complement and above all supplement our existing strengths.

You will have a strong record of publication and other scholarly activities, together with experience in lecturing, module design, and module administration.  You will contribute to the existing curriculum but may also have the opportunity to design new modules so as to expand our provision.

Philosophical Studies at Newcastle University is steadily becoming an important centre for Continental European Philosophy and is home to the BA (Hons.) Philosophy, the MLitt Philosophy, and the PhD in Philosophy:



Job Description:

The ideal candidate would complement and above all supplement our existing strengths (a list of current staff is available here: and a list of our research interests, together with more information on events that have taken place in Philosophy at Newcastle here:

The candidate will teach on the existing curriculum but will also have opportunities to develop their own modules. A list of the modules currently offered is available here:, and it would be useful if applicants could list in their letter of application which they would ideally like to teach (in light of their research) and which they would be able to, together with any new modules with which they would be willing to supplement the current curriculum.

Supervising students of all stages on the yearly undergraduate Project will form an important part of the role: this will include weekly meetings, small group teaching, and one to one tuition, together with pastoral care. A supportive and tolerant attitude towards students of all abilities is essential. More information on the project is available at

Enthusiasm for Open Day events and suchlike is an important part of the job.

The candidate would be expected to encourage the further growth and success of Philosophy at Newcastle, by enhancing the reputation of the programme, and so attracting students, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as external interest more broadly, and research funding.

The candidate would partake in and develop the culture of undergraduate and postgraduate research at Newcastle, whilst contributing to the organisation of and participation in research events within the Department and the University more broadly.

We are seeking someone with experience of administrative work, including, for instance, the chairing of examination boards and committees.

The candidate should support the promotion of the University’s values in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and support widening access to our programmes and facilities to people who have historically been under-represented at university.


I should stress that, unlike many, this position is genuinely open and undecided. Also, it is possible that we shall be advertising a Teaching Fellow position later in the year, which would suit candidates who are earlier in their career.


Philosophy at Newcastle:

Philosophical Studies at Newcastle is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and will soon be joining a new School encompassing Interdisciplinary and Philosophical Studies. It is home to the BA (Hons.) Philosophy, which currently has around 160 undergraduate students and a small but expanding graduate community, focussed around the research degrees, the MLitt Philosophy and the PhD in Philosophy.

We have eight permanent staff, two temporary teaching fellows, and a number of associate tutors. The job being advertised is to replace a lecturer who is moving to another university.

The Undergraduate degree is organised so as to provide a broad education in the crucial areas of the history of philosophy, from ancient Greece to contemporary Europe, and we are always looking to expand this provision. Whilst the teaching is often centred around traditional philosophical problems, it generally addresses these problems by way of classic texts from the history of philosophy up to the present day, with a particular stress laid upon the way in which these problems are formulated in contemporary continental philosophy.

A central part of each stage of the undergraduate degree is the annual Project, which involves individual students, guided by their personal tutor (who is also their supervisor for the three years of their degree), pursuing a philosophical investigation into a topic of their choosing. More information on the project is available at

Philosophical Studies is described as primarily a ‘teaching and scholarship’ unit, rather than ‘teaching and research’. Broadly speaking, this means that the Unit is not presently intending to enter a submission for the next Research Excellence Framework exercise, but there may be opportunities to submit work with other Units within the university. A good deal of time is still allocated for research in the workload of the advertised position and this research can be deployed and developed within the context of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

Each full-time member of staff has a Personal Research Fund, in which £500 is deposited each year, for conference attendance, equipment, and other expenses.

There is a rolling system of sabbaticals in place, which can, subject to certain conditions, be taken for one semester for every four years of service.

Publication is very strongly encouraged, as part of the development of a research and scholarship culture.

The Teaching and Scholarship career pathway includes the possibility of promotion to Senior Lecturer, Reader, and Professor, for those who meet the criteria.



The Application and Selection Process

We are obliged to rank candidates according to the following criteria, and the application form will ask explicitly for you to answer to these criteria. If you could clearly summarise how each criterion is met, that would help us with our selection process. Additional details can be included in the application cover letter.

Please apply online by way of the university website (the link is at the top of this blog post).

If any of your questions are not answered by this post or by Newcastle University Human Resources, please write to Dr. Michael Lewis, Head of Philosophical Studies, at



Official Person Specification:

The criteria given in the Person Specification are as follows:


  Qualifications Essential or Desirable
1 PhD (or equivalent) in Philosophy or a related subject.


2 A broad knowledge of the philosophical canon, together with a specialisation in European philosophy which complements and supplements existing strengths at Newcastle.


3 Higher Education teaching qualification (or equivalent teaching experience) Desirable
  Knowledge, Skills and Experience
1 Proven capacity to develop and teach engaging modules on a Philosophy programme or other related programmes.


2 Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students on a Philosophy programme or other related programmes.


3 Proven ability to publish scholarly articles, monographs, and edited collections.


4 Excellent communication, organisation, and collaborative skills.


5 Evidence of pastoral work with students of all levels and abilities.


6 Experience of examining in Higher Education on a Philosophy programme or other related programmes.


7 Contribution to significant administrative roles in a University department.


8 Ability to independently identify teaching or scholarship projects, and potential funding sources, and prepare and write proposals for funding.


9 Evidence of one-to-one and small group tutorials and supervision.


10 Evidence of ability to use novel approaches and/or technology to enhance learning, where appropriate.


1 Ability to respond enthusiastically and positively to students.


2 Demonstrable willingness to work collaboratively with colleagues as part of a team.

