Durham’s Undergraduate Philosophy journal

New Issue: Critique – Durham University Philosophy Society’s Journal
Following the successful undergraduate conference in June, the special conference proceedings of Critique are now online (link to full PDF – works best on desktop)!
These are the titles of the six essays in this issue. We hope they are of interest to you:
‘An Alternative Approach to Mathematical Ontology’ – Amber Donovan
‘Coercion and Sexual Consent: A Discussion on Legitimacy’ – Kate Fisk
‘The Limits of Dialogue and the Violence in Debate’ – Hannah Frances Morris
‘When, if at all, is assisted dying permissible for psychiatric patients?’ – Alexandra Pallot
‘In what ways, if any, does Evil-Doing differ from Wrong-Doing?’ – Tony Pollard
‘Orwellian Nationalism as the Liberal Democratic Convention’ – Charles H. Smith

Critique is run entirely by undergraduate students at Durham University and is the official journal of the university’s Philosophy Society.
Any and all requests for reproduction of the work contained in the journal should be addressed to dups.critique@gmail.com. Any submissions for consideration in future issues should also be sent to the same address. Criteria for submission of essays is that they are under 5,000 words in length and must have received a first-class (or very high second-class) grade. As for other contributions (poems, short stories etc.) the word limit is the only criteria. The journal is now accepting short-form content for on the forthcoming website, too, details of which can be found on our social media accounts. Be sure to also follow the journal’s Twitter and ‘Like’ us on Facebook for updates on future issues.
We hope you enjoy it! Look out for the Call for Papers next month for our fifth issue.

Essay Advice and Help, Monday 27th November, 4pm, BSTC 2.51

Please come along, to get help with your essays. The second event is specifically for 2nd and 3rd years, but the first for everyone:

— 27th and 29th November 2017:
Monday 27th November, 4–5pm, Room: BSTC 2.51, ‘Peer-Advice Essay Workshop’, run by Philosophers for Philosophers.
— Wednesday 29th November, 12-1pm, Room: BEDB.1.75, Centrally organised session run by the University.

Peter Wolfendale, AUTONOMY AND AUTOMATION, November 29th, 6PM – 9PM,​ Workplace Gallery, 19-21 West Street, Gateshead, NE8 1AD

Newcastle Philosophy’s Peter Wolfendale, will be giving a talk at the excellent Future Shock Trauma Clinic (https://www.futureshocktraumaclinic.com/) in Newcastle on the 29th of this month:

‘What consequences will current and future developments in Artificial Intelligence have on our society and the way we live our lives? This is a question that many researchers and thinkers are currently grappling with, and answers to it are slowly starting to filter into public discourse in the form of political debates about the economic effects of increasing automation. This is very welcome, but it is important to recognise that these developments are not only challenging existing industrial formations, but also deeper cultural assumptions about what work is, and who does it. The aim of this talk is to show how we can frame these issues in terms of certain traditional philosophical concerns about freedom, and thereby to potential social and personal changes in terms of the contrast between the autonomous and the automatic’

November 29th

6PM – 9PM

Workplace Gallery

19-21 West Street



CfP: Journal 360° is looking for student submissions for issue on “home”

The interdisciplinary student journal “Journal 360°” welcomes student submissions for its next issue on the topic of “home” or “home country” (German: “Heimat”), broadly construed. Papers or essays should not exceed 28.000 characters (including spaces) and be written in either English or German.

Continue reading CfP: Journal 360° is looking for student submissions for issue on “home”

Philosophy, Winter Ball, 29th November

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Dear All,

We are having a Philosophy Ball, this Winter.

Please register for tickets by 19th November. Details of this are just here:


The first formal winter ball at the The Hancock pub on 29th November 2017, and that tickets are available online through the Students Union website until midnight on 19th November.

Tickets: https://www.nusu.co.uk/getinvolved/societies/society/7346/


and a reminder of some other things happening soon:

———Conference advice, Monday 20th November 3pm, conference advice session: BSTC3.31. Present your ideas at a conference: where to look, how to apply, get funding to attend, and what to present. Stephen Overy reveals all.

——— HELP WITH ESSAYS! Essay-writing workshop for people from Stages 2 and 3 (joint session): ‘Stepping Up: Enhancing your Work at the Next Level’

                                                       November 29th, 12-1

                                                       Room: BEDB.1.75


Ian Parker on philosophy and revolution, Blackwells, Tuesday 12th December 2017, 6:30pm


Tuesday 12th December 2017

18:30 – 20:30 GMT

What are the possibilities for revolution in our time? What, if any, realistic alternatives to the current world order may be achievable? Although Ian Parker’s Revolutionary Keywords for a New Left may not answer these questions directly, it sets out to address the conceptual densities of contemporary revolutionary keywords ranging from academicisation to neoliberalism, from fascism to feminisation, from postcolonialism to Zionism, while also focusing on thinkers including Alain Badiou, Judith Butler, Sigmund Freud, and Slavoj Žižek. In laying bare each concept, Parker provides the philosophico-historical lines of its formation and situates it within its broad social conditions. The book is a pioneering convergence of activist writings and philosophical inquiry.

Parker’s talk, ‘Philosophy and Revolution’, will consider the kinds of resources that philosophy, and related disciplines like psychoanalysis, critical theory, and critical psychology can bring to questions of revolution and political change. At a time when few on the left seem able to imagine, let alone provide the theoretical or practical resources to realise, a future that might be different from the present, this talk will offer an analysis of the pervasive cynicism in which we seem to be mired, and even hold out the prospect of an antidote. This event is a book launch for Revolutionary Keywords for a New Left.

The author:

Ian Parker is a world-renowned academic psychologist, an activist, and a practising psychoanalyst. He is most widely known as one of the most vociferous critics of the discipline of psychology. He has published numerous books including Slavoj Žižek: A Critical Introduction and Revolution in Psychology.

About the lecture series:

Local publisher Bigg Books (www.biggbooks.co.uk) and the Newcastle Philosophy Society (www.newphilsoc.org.uk) have teamed up with Blackwell’s Bookshop to launch this opening season of talks and book launches by world renowned philosophers alongside emerging local ones. The goal of these seasons is to promote innovative works of popular philosophy encompassing both the academic and the engaged, lived approaches to philosophy. All the invited speakers will be dealing with contemporary issues through a philosophical lens in an accessible and exciting way.


The Writing Development Centre website has moved

The Writing Development Centre website has moved to http://www.ncl.ac.uk/library/subject-support/wdc/.  There are re-directs in place from the old homepage and the tutorials page but please be aware that any other links will result in a page not found error.  There is also a link to the WDC from the Library homepage.

The student booking form for requesting one to one tutorials has also changed and now requires students to log in using their computer log-in e.g. A0123456.   If you have any queries please contact the Writing Development Centre using wdc@ncl.ac.uk

published on: 8th November 2017