Brighton and Sussex conference: Critical Theory in (a Time of) Crisis

CAPPE (University of Brighton) and SSPT (University of Sussex)

Critical Theory in (a Time of) Crisis

A two-day postgraduate and early career conference, organised by the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (University of Brighton) and the Research Centre for Studies in Social and Political Thought (University of Sussex)

Sponsored by the Mind Association

Keynote speakers: Michael J. Thompson (author of The Domestication of Critical Theory) and Darrow Schechter (author of Critical Theory in the Twenty-First Century)

5th and 6th November 2019

Room 318b, Grand Parade, University of Brighton

9.00 to 5.30 (both days)


Please contact Tom Bunyard ( or Denis Chevrier-Bosseau ( for further details

Day 1

09.00 – 09.15 – Registration 

09.15 – 11.00 – PANEL 1 

Paul Ingram: The Institutionalization of Adorno and the Viability of Social Pathology. 

Cain Shelley: Freeing Socialism from its Attachment to Marx? Honneth’s Recent Political Turn and its Limits.

Neil Harris: Beyond Domestication: Adorno and the Reanimation of Social Pathology Diagnosis 

11.00 – 11.15: break

11.15 to 13.00 – PANEL 2 

Luke Edmeads: Adorno’s relevance: Non-identity as a Response to Domination in Contemporary Society.

Alena Roth:Re-thinking Social Transformation: Utopian Consciousness within Critical Theory. 

Muhammad Qasim:  An Anticolonial Deficit in Critical Theory and a Need for a De-Colonial Turn in It. 

13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch break 

14.00 – 15.30 – PANEL 3  

Sabrina Muchová: Art and Democracy: Wellmer’s Aesthetic Conception. 

Aikaterini-Maria Lakka: Understanding Intellectuals’ Role in a Time of Crisis. 

15.30 – 15.45: break

15.45 – 17.15 – Keynote 

Prof. Michael J. Thompson (William Paterson University, US): Critique of Crisis of the Crisis of Critique? Rethinking the Project of Critical Theory

Day 2

09.00 – 10.45 – PANEL 4 

Paul Ewart:Capitalist Realism, Popular Critical Theory and New Left Movements.

Roderick Howlett: Reclaiming the Radical Enlightenment: A Response to Post-Truth. 

David Gould:  Critical Theory in a Time of Crisis: What is a Crisis? 

10.45 – 11.00: break

11.00 – 12.45 – PANEL 5 

Ben Cross: Justice, Social Justice, and Critical Theory: Why Activists have got it Right, and Analytic Philosophers have got it Wrong. 

Jacopo Condo’:  Mental Health and the Limits of Procedural Conceptions of Autonomy in Critical Theories. 

Joseph Backhouse-Barber: ‘Making the social play along’: Luhmann’s Recognition of both Subjective and Social Aspects of Experience.

12.45 – 1.45: Lunch break

13.45 – 15.00 – PANEL 6 

Sara Kermanian:  Time and the Politics of International Imaginaries: Rethinking the Impasse of the Derridean Critique of Modern Temporality.

Harrison Lechley-Yuill: Deconstruction: The Proper and Violence.

15.00 – 15.15: break

15.15 – 17.00: Keynote

Prof. Darrow Schecter (University of Sussex): On the sociology of functional differentiation: What kind of dialectics underpin a critical theory of contemporary society’? 

17.00 – 18.45 – Wine Reception with philosophical poetry reading by Emeritus Prof. Christopher Norris (University of Cardiff). 

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Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference – Deadline 31st October

The Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference (APPC) is an annual conference that provides an opportunity for postgraduate philosophy students from Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore to present their work, debate their ideas, receive feedback from peers and form collaborations across institutions. And in 2019 APPC will be hosted by Victoria University of Wellington from Friday the 6th of December to Sunday the 8th of December. The conference website is
The deadline of the call for papers is 31 October.

Philosophy Challenge Day – 4th November

This will be on the afternoon of Monday 4th November, from 13:00 to 18:00 in the BALTIC art gallery on the quayside. The event should be appearing on your timetables now.

It is the ‘philosophy challenge day’. Challenge days are run by most schools in the university. They offer students the chance to:

  • Develop a wide range of skills deemed crucial by a vast array of employers over a short period of time
  • Find examples to use on your CV and in interviews
  • Work with peers outside of your lectures
  • Gain experience in problem solving for an organisation
  • Find potential employment opportunities
  • Work with alumni and find out about potential paths for after university

The structure of the day is that you will be set a challenge by the staff at the BALTIC, relating to improving its current operation. You will then have a few hours to create a pitch explaining how you would solve the challenge, and then present this pitch to a panel of BALTIC staff and Philosophical Studies alumni. All materials and food are provided on the day – though you may want to bring laptops or tablets with you to help produce your pitch.

More information will follow over the next weeks – for now, the important thing is to KEEP THIS DATE FREE.


How do I get to BALTIC?

Just walk don Northumberland street and across the swing, Tyne or Millennium Bridges. The Baltic is pretty unmissable – it is a huge building on the Quayside that says BALTIC FLOUR MILLS in big letters. The green ‘QUAY LINK’ buses go from Haymarket (opposite the university) to the Quayside every few minutes.

Is this compulsory?

Yes it is. It is a timetabled event, and we expect everyone to attend. Attendance will be closely monitored.

Is this in consolidation week?

Yes it is, so we know that everyone is not timetabled to be anywhere else that day. Consolidation week is not a half term or a holiday, and is not something that most subjects in the university have. It is a chance to catch up on reading, but it is part of term time and you are expected to be in Newcastle and available for timetabled events.

Do I need to take anything?

No, pens and paper will be provided, and food. You may want to take a laptop or tablet, so you can get online when planning and developing your pitch.

I don’t quite understand what this is???

Have a look at a similar event run by English, and you should get a better idea.

Stand up Philosophy- Alex Farrow, October 3rd 2019

From: Comedian, Alex Farrow:


Dear Newcastle Philosophy Dept

I’m doing a stand-up show in Newcastle all about Philosophy Oct 3rd!

A stand-up comedy show about education, religion and modern Britain told through the stories of teaching philosophy to teenagers. ‘Honest and interesting and really, very, very funny indeed’ ‘Jaw-achingly funny’  ★★★★★ (Oxford Times).

If you like the sound of that then I’d love some experts and/or keen students to enjoy it too. (Let me know and I’ll organise some complimentary tickets)

Best wishes,
