Deleuze films – next two Thursdays, and other events in the Philosophy Extra Events series at Newcastle
Kent Summer School in Critical Theory, Paris – deadline soon
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The deadline for applications to this year’s Kent Summer School in Critical Theory is approaching, on 25 March 2019.
The KSSCT will be held in Paris, 1-12 July 2019. We invite you to pay a visit to our website, and lodge your application, at: All instructions, deadlines, further information, and FAQs can be found there.
The KSSCT is a summer school for early career researchers and doctoral students from all disciplines. It aims to create a unique pedagogical experience, enabling leading critical thinkers to conduct an intensive 2-week seminar with a new generation of critical scholars.
The teachers of the intensive seminars in 2019 will be:
- Professor Alain Pottage, LSE, UK) – “An Anthropogeology of Law”, and
- Professor Sigrid Weigel (ZfL, Berlin) – “Towards a Political Theology of Images”.
An outline of each 2-week seminar, together with an indicative reading list, is now available on the website. Details of evening lectures and other events will be added as we confirm the full schedule for this year’s meeting.
We are also delighted to announce that in 2019, the KSSCT seminar programme will be preceded by a Graduate Research Day, in Paris on 29 June. We encourage all applicants to consider joining us for this one-day event, and we also welcome applications to the graduate research day from those who are not able to apply to attend a KSSCT seminar this year. For details and further information, please visit the website at:
Please help us by circulating this notice as widely as possible amongst friends, colleagues and students.
With best wishes,
Maria Drakopoulou and Connal Parsley
Dr Connal Parsley | Senior Lecturer in Law | Kent Law School
University of Kent | Canterbury, CT2 7NS | United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1227 823193 | E:
ART-AND-LAW mailing
Apply now: Kent Summer School in Critical Theory
Paris / Seminars 1-12 July 2019 / Graduate Research Day 29 June
2-week intensive seminars by:
Alain Pottage: ‘An Anthropogeology of Law’
Sigrid Weigel: ‘Towards a Political Theology of Images’
Information and application details at
Why logic is important to learn…
To test your critical thinking, please show the logical error of Mark Francois below and then email him some help. He obviously needs it.
Sartre film – this coming Thursday
Philosophy Film Screening
Jean-Paul Sartre
A film
All Welcome!
Thursday 14th March 2019, 4.00–4:55pm, BSTC B.32
Contact: Michael Lewis (Philosophical Studies).
Fanon Film Screening, This Thursday, 1pm
Philosophy Film Screening
Concerning Violence
(Around the work of Frantz Fanon)
All Welcome!
An account of the relations of violence between coloniser and colonised, principally in Africa, based on Frantz Fanon’s posthumous text, The Wretched of the Earth.
Thursday 7th March 2019, 1pm–2:30pm, Room BSTC 1.46 (90 minutes)
Contact: Michael Lewis (Philosophical Studies).
Philosophy Across Disciplines – Newcastle Philosophy Student Conference 2019 – 5th June
“Philosophy across Disciplines” is a student conference that runs annually at Newcastle University. We are now accepting invite submissions from all students at an undergraduate and pre-doctoral postgraduate students (e.g. MA, MLitt or MPhil).
Our aim is to explore philosophical research incorporated within other subjects, so it is geared towards both philosophy students as well as any student from a humanities or social sciences background. If you have any research where philosophy is applied to another topic, you may already have the groundwork for your paper! For Newcastle University philosophy students, this is an ideal opportunity to present your research undertaken for the Project module.
Presenting at the conference is an invaluable opportunity for any student desiring to refine their public speaking and presenting skills, which can be later evidenced within your CV to any future employer or role that may necessitate such proficiencies (such as teaching, academia, public relations, research role etc.). Moreover, this is a chance to further these skills in a much more relaxed and student-led environment.
Students will be expected to present their research within a 10-minute time frame, followed by a 5 minute Q & A session. Alternatively, a 20-minute time frame can be requested.
To apply, we require a 300-word abstract describing the research you desire to present. Please include information on your discipline, the scholars you engaged with and a short bio featuring your name, institution, and level of study.
The conference will be on the 5th of June 2019 and is free to attend.
Submissions must be sent to by the 1st of May 2019.
FIGURING EXISTENCE A Postgraduate Conference in Existential Analysis, Friday 1st March 2019, University of Oxford
Figuring Existence: A Postgraduate Conference in Existential Analysis

A Postgraduate Conference in Existential Analysis
Friday 1st March 2019
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Keynote Speaker: Kate Kirkpatrick (King’s College London)
Organisers: Elizabeth Xiao-an Li and Nikolaas Deketelaere
Centre for Theology and Modern European Thought
The Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno summarised the guiding motive of those intellectual approaches we might nowadays call existentialist by saying that “philosophy is a product of the humanity of each philosopher, and each philosopher is a man of flesh and bone who addresses himself to other men of flesh and bone like himself. And, let him do what he will, he philosophizes not with reason only, but with the will, with the feelings, with the flesh and with the bones, with the whole soul and the whole body. It is the man that philosophizes.” Yet, it is perhaps also because of definitions as broad as this one that Jean-Paul Sartre felt that “the word is now so loosely applied to so many things that it no longer means anything at all.” This conference aims to provide a sketch of the style of thinking that can broadly be conceived of as existential analysis.
In connection with the conference, we are also inviting submissions to a special edition of Open Theology on the topic “Existential Conceptions of the Relationship between Theology and Philosophy”. The CFP is attached below and submissions are due in May.
For more information contact: Nikolaas ( or Elizabeth (
Venue: Von Trott and Wolfson Rooms, Jowett Walk Building (OX1 3TL)
8.30: Registration and welcome
8.45: Opening words
9.00-10.30: Parallel panels
Session 1: The Long 19th Century
Chair: Stevan Veljkovic
Josh Roe: “The Rise of Enthusiasm: From Shaftesbury to Hamann”
Shari Dedier: “Diester Thorweg ‘Augenblick’: The Exalted Moment and Eternity in Nietzsche and Jaspers”
Levy Coudyser: “The Will to Power and Suicide”
Session 2: Freedom
Chair: Travis La Couter
Dritero Demjaha: “Existentialism and metanarrative or the atheist existentialist dilemma: Hegelian end of history or Christian end of philosophy?”
Piergiacomo Severini: “Jeanne Hersch’s Realist Existentialism: Reasoning on Human between Body and Freedom”
David Mark Dunning: “A Decisively Free Existence: Negative Certainty in Jean-Luc Marion”
10.30 Coffee break
10.45-12.15: Parallel panels
Session 3: The Place of Existentialism
Chair: Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick
Samuel Filby: “Can there be an Existential Analytic Philosophy?”
Mimi Howard: “Heidegger’s Early Christianity and Place of Politics”
John Rayburn: “For the Sake of Soul: Existential Meaning in James Hillman’s “Soul-Making”
Session 4: Kierkegaard
Chair: Elizabeth Li
Lea Cantor: “Hegel’s Concept of Freedom in the Light of Kierkegaard’s Critique”
Frederic Dubois: “Existentialism as a Development of Dialectical Metaphysics: The Case of Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety”
Barney Riggs: “Kierkegaard’s Concept of Busyness: A Preliminary Account”
12.30-13.30: Lunch
14.00-16.00 Parallel panels
Session 5: Phenomenology
Chair: James Lorenz
Kevin Mager: “Merleau-Ponty and the Existential Analysis of Discovery: Expression in Art and Science”
Maria-Nefeli Panetsos: “Dance and Existential Phenomenology”
Renxiang Liu: “Sartre’s Dualist Monism and Its Temporal Dimensions”
Ed Willems: “Husserl’s Transcendental Ego and the Transition to Existentialism”
Session 6: Existential Experience
Chair: Naomi Irit Richman
Maja Vejic: “Anxiety in Philosophy, Literature and Life”
Maja Berseneva: “Existential Vulnerability”
Michal Pawlowski: “Kitsch as an Existential Experience”
16.00-17.00: Coffee break
17.00-18.30 Keynote Lecture — Dr. Kate Kirkpatrick: “Existentialism and Exemplars”
18.30-19.30: Dinner
Italian Studies in Edinburgh, June 2019
A panel on Italian Thought in the Society for Italian Studies conference in June in Edinburgh: worth a look.
Two sessions on “Italian thought / Italian theory / Italian difference” have been organised for the biennial conference of the Society for Italian Studies (University of Edinburgh, 26-28 June 2019)
The list of the accepted panels is available here
Panel title
Italian thought / Italian theory / Italian difference – I
Federica G. Pedriali
Edinburgh University
Paolo Bartoloni
NUIG, National University of Ireland Galway
Greg Bird
Wilfrid Laurier University
Dario Gentili
Rome 3 University
Enrica Lisciani-Petrini
Salerno University
Federica G. Pedriali (Chair)
Edinburgh University
Panel title
Italian thought / Italian theory / Italian difference – II
Federica G. Pedriali
Edinburgh University
Davide Luglio
Paris-Sorbonne University
Marco Piasentier
Jyväskylä University
Giusi Strummiello
Bari University
Heather Lynch
Caledonian University
Federica G. Pedriali (Chair)
Edinburgh University
Gender conference at Durham
Call for Papers
Gen(d)eration: Gender and Construction of Subjectivity
Durham University, 10 May 2019
We are delighted to announce the interdisciplinary workshop “Gen(d)eration: Gender and Construction of Subjectivity”. The event is funded by the Durham Centre for Academic Development (DCAD) and will take place at Durham University on 10 May 2019.
The workshop will focus on the interconnections between gender and cultural studies (literature, art, history, philosophy, social sciences, etc.) and will be looking at how the construction of gender is connected to, and interwoven with, writing, capitalism, globalization, trauma, therapy, ethics, transformation and autopoiesis, to name a few.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
Gender and Capitalism
Gender and Globalization
Gender and Trauma
Gender and Therapy
Gender and Ethics
Gender and Authorship
Gender and Illness
Gender and Subjectivity
Gender and Posthumanism
Gender and Transformation
Gender and Autopoiesis
We invite doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers from Arts, Humanities and Social Science to submit abstracts for consideration. The standard length of a talk will be 20 minutes. Please send your proposal (300 words maximum) to or by 31 March.