Discovering Societies

The question of what to write for my first blog post caused me to consider what would I tell someone who was starting his or her university life.  After some thought, I would say join societies!  For the majority of students, who don’t join societies, their course mates and flatmates represent their entire friendship group.  On starting university I joined five societies, and I can say without doubt that it has been one of the best decisions I have made.  Through joining the politics society I went on a trip to Madrid last Easter.  I joined the Anglo-Chinese society where I attended weekly mandarin lessons.  The International Development Society where I helped organise their annual conference to much success.  Due to my interest in business I joined Enactus, a society that through the positive power of business sets up social enterprises around the world.  Lastly, being from the countryside I was eager to get out of the city now and then, so I joined the Fell walking society who organise weekly walks and climbs in the Lake District and Scotland.  Some of these societies continue to be part of my university lifeand others have drifted into the background whilst I focus on the academic side of university.  My belief is that first year is time to join as many societies that take your fancy, to get opportunities to meet people, have experiences and learn about things that don’t feature in your degree.

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