Switch Off 2010!

We are developing a new electricity use campaign called “Switch off 2010!”

The main message of the campaign is to switch off electrical items when not in use- especially when staff leave for home!

The target audience is mainly staff and we will be hitting a building per week every week starting in January with the “Switch Off 2010!” campaign.

When developing any communications we have to consider our target audience and what response we desire. We need to explore: what language to use, how to use it, what material will be engaging, what will prick the awareness bubble, what will drive action…Etc etc.

draft leaflet

Every sentence and what it infers is poured over and debated! This has been especially hard this time as it is the first time the whole team has been involved in one project.

The “slog” on this communication has highlighted again to me how much I enjoy the creative process when you are producing communications. It is really challenging to get everybody’s opinion into the content and then finding a compromise that 1) people are happy about but 2) still gets the desired response from the reader.

Our communications content usually start life as a bit of work someone has strung together. The whole team then breaks it down until we are happy with it. This means lots of passing around on the email and meetings etc.

There have been a few versions of the current communications leaflet we are working on because we kinda over engineered it to start with……then we reviewed it.. then we went to the Futerra masterclass …. and we reviewed it again!!!!

The next step is to market test the 1st draft for feedback- so we will be passing this to our 70 odd Environmental Co ordinators before next meeting for feedback….and it could be back to the drawing board! Yoikes!

draft leaflet

Any hoo here is our draft before it goes to the printers to prepare a pdf for environmental co ordinator to comment on. (our printers Alphagraphics are very patient and produce excellent results from our scribbles!)

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