SVC Meeting 3

On Tuesday 2nd March, the SELLL UG Student Voice Committee met for their third meeting of the year, They talked about:

  • Joint Honours communications between schools
  • Perceived discrepancies in Dissertation supervision
  • Safety Net Deadline Time Management
  • How the School has responded to feedback in the National Student Survey
  • Recruiting for SVC 2021-22 and improving visibility
  • Updates from the Library

Read the minutes to keep up to date, and make sure to get in touch with your reps if you would like to feed into any of these conversations.

Anonymous suggestion boxes are now available in the NCL App. If you would like to raise anything anonymously, please go to the student rep section and submit your feedback.

SVC Meeting 2

On Monday 7th December, the SELLL UG Student Voice Committee met for their second meeting of the year. They talked about:

  • Assessments
  • The 2019/20 Safety Net
  • Student Support
  • Ideas for Semester 2 Enrichment Week

Read the minutes to keep up to date, and make sure to get in touch with your reps if you would like to feed into any of these conversations.

SVC 20-21, Meeting 1

On Monday 16th November, the SELLL UG Student Voice Committee met for their first meeting of the year. They talked about:

  • Enrichment Week
  • Managing Module Workload
  • Wi-Fi and remote learning
  • Using the NCL App for SVC

Read the minutes to keep up to date, and make sure to get in touch with your reps if you would like to feed into any of these conversations.