LGBT Histories of Newcastle – Student Exhibition

Lots of our modules offer opportunities to delve into local archives and collections, housed right here in the Newcastle University Special Collections. Digital exhibitions transform physical archives into online spaces that you can enjoy online.

One SELLL student took this opportunity to raise awareness for Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s LGBT History. LGBT Histories draws attention to the people and places who have helped shape the region as a liberal space. The exhibition features items on literary legend Jane Gomeldon and suffragist Ethel Williams, as well as local LGBT spaces such as the nightclubs on Newcastle’s Bigg Market.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this insight into the exciting work our students have been creating.

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William Corbett’s Bookshop – Student Exhibition

In Newcastle University School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics there are growing opportunities to present your research in a multimedia format. Digital exhibitions introduce students to the principles of textual editing for digital platforms, as well as writing for an online audience. Digital exhibitions are also a great way of promoting your research, gaining a wider online audience and drawing attention to lesser known archival material and special collections.

In 2014/15, English Language and Literature student Claire Boreham, created the William Corbett’s Bookshop website as part of the UTLSEC Innovation Fund project Making the Archives Public: Digital Skills, Research and Public Engagement. The project was devised and convened by Dr Ruth Connolly and Dr Stacy Gillis.

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