
Yesterday was a strange day. Working between two offices, two teams and two jobs is fairly confusing anyway, but yesterday I felt truly discombobulated. I didn’t know which day it was (long weekend due to Easter break), the time is still confusing (clock adjustment takes me ages), and I moved offices with one job. The MEDEV team is now physically integrated back into the School of Medical Sciences after a couple of years in a satellite building next door to a too conveniently located pub. We have moved from a 15 minute walk into town and a ten minute walk to the main campus, to a position in the Ridley 1 building which makes it much easier to get into town and around campus, but which gives us a walk up to the medical school, where much of the work of that School takes place.

I was struck by how much goes into making an office move happen. By how much goes on behind the scenes, how utterly disruptive it is, and how little thanks the people who actually make the move happen get, whilst experiencing high stress levels and dealing with being bombarded with questions. It struck many chords with how I feel about the work that both teams I currently work for do. Hidden. Behind the scenes. Often unglamourous, and disruptive, with few thanks and many questions. But nevertheless essential to the functioning of a modern university.

With that in mind I emailed the team who made the move happen to offer them my own personal Thank You.

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