In my second week of my new role here at Newcastle University and things are happening at breakneck speed. We are looking at flexible provision, part of which is the first project I am working on – signing up with FutureLearn. This initiative will enable us to start to have the conversations we need to when we consider what growing our flexible provision might mean.
My role over the next year as project manager of this development is to map current provision of online and distance programmes and identify opportunities there more generally, whilst delivering the commitment to FutureLearn over the next 9 months to a year.
I have relocated full time into our Quality in Learning and Teaching (QuILT) team, and whilst I am sad to be leaving working directly with technology enhanced learning in clinical education, I know I am ready for new challenges. The excitement (and some reticence) generated by the FutureLearn venture is tangible here, and I think represents a real appetite to extend our reach beyond the traditional campus based programmes we are known for.
I hope that much of what I have learned and been enthusiastic about in terms of open educational resources and all they entail, as well as my 13 years experience of encouraging TEL approaches with the old MEDEV Subject Centre will stand me in good stead as we examine where future opportunities might lie.
It’s going to be an interesting year.