Community meeting Sandy Ground, the 2nd!

I really do not know, how we actually could get up on Thursday morning! But it was to be another long and intensive day. We had our second community meeting planned, again for Sandy Ground, and again in Roys’ bar. We spent the morning, from 7 AM, analysing all the data that we had collected over the last six weeks, writing reports for the people in Sandy Ground and North Hill, preparing the presentation, and there were just so many things to do. It just takes longer than you think. In the afternoon, I started doing my baking, and I must have totally overestimated what we were going to do! I had so much go for my cheesy biscuits (Kaesfuessle) I could fed an army was it! Half of the dough went into the freezer for the next meeting. Then I made brownies, and we still had a cake from the day before. Finally made it down to Roys Grill, fully prepared, with all our notes, sticky walls, presentations, and come 6 o’clock, nobody was there! So we waited, Sarah got herself a wine, and waited, and eventually Lindsay and Aristo turned up! That was it! Apparently, we had chosen the day when their worst just too many other things going on – the house of assembly was debating life on radio, it was absolutely exciting from the pieces that I was listening to, whether they would be able to pay their civil servants outstanding salaries, or not. It is unsure, how much longer the current government is going to be in charge, so everybody was listening to the radio. We had no chance against that. So, at around 7:30, we gave up and packed! For dinner, we deserved it after long, long day’s work and we were back for our community meeting another day. Bad thing, I nearly ate all the brownies, and felt rather sick. But there were just so tasty. And I will let Sarah tell you what happened next…

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