Musings about Grand Turk

Having been here for two weeks now, I am falling more and more in love with this beautiful place! People are so lovely and friendly, there are amazing views over the ocean with all its colours, and you see all the donkeys and ponies running around on the streets… life seems to stand still (even though we have got hardly any time, being as busy as ever).

Last night we spend at Mitch Rollings (he is a “want to be rock star, apparently you can buy his music on Itunes”) amazing private bar… it is in his garden, just next to the beach. Had a fantastic time with lovely people.

Then there are our “permanent” guests – who we sadly have seen very little of the last few days- Smitty and his sidekick Jason (just like Batman and Robin), who come round to our house to cook for us and entertain us!

On my bike everybody is waving and saying hello to me! Now I remember why I love those little islands! Find me here, if I might just “accidentally” miss my flight back to the UK!

First Community Meeting on Grand Turk

Last week we had our first community meeting on Grand Turk. Having got to know only few people before the meeting, we tried to invite as many people as we could, spreading the word in the community, talking to people and handing out flyers/ posting posters. While we had only a select few number of people (10), everybody enjoyed themselves! We had some great enthusiastic discussion in our first exercise, creating a historical timeline, and found out a number of interesting facts about West Road community and Grand Turk in general.

Afterwards we did some verification of the maps that we had previously established, and again had a great discussion on how different areas are being used.

All in all everybody seems really excited about the project and cannot wait to get on with all the interviews!


Arrival in Grand Turk

On Monday we moved on from Provo to Grand Turk. Grand Turk is the island on which the capital of the Turks and Caicos, Cockburn Town, is situated.

We have got a lovely apartment in an old house, it has got a hammock outside, a veranda and a lot of sea-life inspired art-work.

Grand Turk is lovely. It is very small and there are a lot of old houses, and has a colonial feel about it. There are “wild” donkeys, and some really cute donkey foals, and people are very friendly.

The only downturn is the heat, as it seems to be even hotter here than on Provo.

The last few days we have spent scoping, arranging the next community meeting and the national meeting… all new and exciting!

We found a nice venue in a church hall for both meetings and are busy inviting people and making contacts.

Looking forward to a last lovely few weeks in the Caribbean!


Last few days on Provo…

Grand Slam BoatOh, it surely has been busy those last few weeks (whenever is it not here)- and we are supposed to be in the laid back Caribbean! In the last two weeks we had two community meetings, one in Five Cays, our fishing based community, and one in the Bight/ Turtle Cove area, our tourism based community. It was great to meet people that we had met in interviews or generally around before, and to say good bye and thank you. Especially the Five Cays community meeting had a great attendance, and we had great help from our local translators Chaly and Joseph!

Goergie and Katharine went on the Haitian radio, and TV teams came to both community meetings!

On Saturday, June 22nd (I know, it is quite a few days ago now) we went out for a fantastic evening to see the TCI Battle of the Bands. Great music, great people, dancing and fun!

Then we had to say goodbye to Georgie, and there were only three of us left, “mopping” up the last interviews, doing another radio interview with DJ Viper, the Five Cays community meeting and the sad part, saying good bye to all the lovely people we had met over the past two months!

It were a busy two weeks, but at the same time very successful!

On our final day Sarah and I managed to go on a snorkeling trip, and it was definitely the best snorkeling experience I ever had: I saw 2 sharks (one nurseshark and one reefshark), reef-squid, a big lobster (and he was really big!!) and loads of other fish and creatures! We went diving for conch in the shallow and had fresh conch salad on Iguana island! What a great finish to our time in Providenciales (as we did not even manage to go diving even once!)