A fantastic weekend…

After a week with many many interviews, some interesting, some scary, some weird, starting work at 7 am, finishing at 20:00, going to bed at 21:30, we deserve a nice weekend!

On Friday we finally managed to go for our first dive wish Shoal Bay Scuba. After a little refresher in the water we went out to dive on one of the wrecks that they have positioned around Anguilla for the dive tourists, and it was a fantastically easy dive, 20-25 m, great visibility, no currents or anything, and a wreck with quite a number of fish; there was  even a car still in the wreck! We saw turtles, parrotfish, damselfish, barracudas and some other things, and tiny little pieces of coral.

It was then a lazy afternoon, and I ventured out for a hike, that was on my map… the only way  could go was along the beach, so, I was quite disappointed, but on the bright side I found a place very close to where we live that rent out paddleboards!!!

Saturday was another busy work day, got loads of things done, scheduled some interviews, and did some… one in probably the poorest place in Anguilla, with a single mother with 7 children squatting in someones shed, and one with a big dog- though there was a fence around the house so he jumped against the fence to get to me and tried to get through. But lucky for me the owner of the house protected me from the dog J

Sunday we were invited to go out with Captain Rolins on his Catamaran Chocolat, and we did not capsize! We had a fantastic trip to little Prickly Pear Island, an excursion on the Island (while Sarah went snorkelling) and on the way a trip to little Sandy Island for lunch. Again, Sarah went for a snorkel, while I was talking to Roland,- and she nearly gave him a heart attack diving too shallow and being hit by waves!

After the trip we went to pick up Selina… and off we went to the Dune  Preserve to see Bankie Banx – and Angguillan International Reggea Legend -at the Moonsplash Festival 2013 http://www.bankiebanx.net/ ! Amazing! It was absolutely amazing!

So much for now… not to talk about our next door neighbour, an 84 year old reverend who mixes a mean cocktail, Kashers birthday, and many more things…


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