Back To School!

Now I sorted this blog problem out (Sarah cannot post any more, but still seem to be able to, which is great) I can now give you some more of the fun we are having!!!

10 days ago, Katharine joined us from the UK- now we are three!!! Which makes work much faster and easier! Welcome Katharine (and she will have still much much more free space to blog, so will ask her to post some pictures :-))!!!

Last Tuesday we went “back to school! Primary school, that is (years 5-6, 10-11 years old) and had some great fun telling them all about the coral reefs. Everybody “became” a sea-creature, either a nudibranch, a parrotfish, a soft-coral,a hard-coral… and we created headbands for everybody, which was great fun! Then we went ahead to play a game about the food-chain- who eats whom! Everybody was very happy except for the zooplankton, as he was eaten by absolutely everybody (and could not eat anyone else)!!

Afterward we played something which, I think, Sarah called a Pub Quiz, however, without the pub and with kisses (only chocolate ones) for the right answers!

It was a real fun morning, and cannot wait to do some more in Turks and Caicos… Sadly no more time here to do more!

The afternoon was one of those rare afternoons off, so I introduced Sarah and Katharine to the joys of stand-up paddleboarding. We went out to a place called Little Bay, which is great for snorkelling and took masks as well. I gave Sarah and Katharine a “pull through the water, as they were holding on to the fin of the board with mask and snorkel on, I did  not realize what a strong workout that would be.

And then we finished the afternoon with a cocktail in the sunset (and I am not allowed to mention us drinking alcohol, but it was only one glass in the evening, and it makes the story so much more exciting and tropical ;))

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