A Break in North Caicos

After the last few stressful weeks, packed with excitement and loads of work, three community meetings, writing reports and trying to finish off as many interviews as possible, we left Anguilla via Saint Martain and Miami – to arrive in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos!

And I decided to take a couchsurfing holiday for 3 days!!! I took the ferry to a little island called North Caicos, rented a bike at the ferry station, fastened all my luggage somehow on my bike and went off to the little village of Kew, where I was going to stay with Brian/Naqqi. I finally managed to find him, as he had told me his name as Naqqi, while everybody else on the Island knew him only as Brian 🙂

He is the proud owner of the last donkey on North Caicos, a very temperamental one called “Lady Liza”. And in his house he had a cage with tiny quail chicks, which were just too cute- when they are tired they lie down on the floor and stretch the feet away, it looks hilarious seeing a bird lie down, just like a little person 🙂

I went for excursions on my bike to the beach, to find some snorkelling spots and to generally have a relaxing time… and I found  a beach restaurant where they made the most amazing home made ice-cream!! I did a tour on one of the old cotton plantations, visited a big government farm and explored the mangrove areas.

Sadly those few days of relaxation went by far too quick, and now it is time to get back to work on Provo… for the second part of the project with extra help!!

Will report soon!


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