Getting to Know TCI… better and better

Without Sarah, Provo has been crazy… We met so many amazing and interesting people and are fully into the swing of things once again! This is a huge change from lovely relaxed Anguilla, and I have been doing interviews with loads of watersport operators and sport-fishers, learned a lot about Marlin and bonefish (I had never even heard of them before), and met a whole lot of people who are out there diving.

This week we also did a community meeting in each of the two communities we are studying here in Provo, which were both great, but very very different from each other.

Friday I managed to get a trip on one of the snorkel boats to their snorkel site!!! Buff, the mate on the boat, wanted to show us the TCI version of “Fish and Chips”: Throw a pack of dorito chips (crisp) into the water, and the triggerfish get mental!!! I wonder why people have to use other bait 😉 (Not so sure how healthy that is for the fish though).

The reef around there was pretty, but sadly not that many fish…Next stop was on the great flat to find the conch… all passengers were dispatched into the water to find their own conch in about 60 cm of water! Once we had enough conch of the right size we went to a little island and Captain Pop made an amazing conch ceviche… yummy yummy, while I explored the island and visited the iguanas. Just before we were about to leave we had a young lemon shark coming straight to the beach, and as well an eagle ray and a manta ray- that must have been the absolute highlight of my day. And guess what, in the evening Sarah called me to report all the species I had seen- I had recognized them all (go Pia!!!)

So far so good, should try to upload some pictures that I took with Georgies underwater-camera 🙂

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