Musings about Grand Turk

Having been here for two weeks now, I am falling more and more in love with this beautiful place! People are so lovely and friendly, there are amazing views over the ocean with all its colours, and you see all the donkeys and ponies running around on the streets… life seems to stand still (even though we have got hardly any time, being as busy as ever).

Last night we spend at Mitch Rollings (he is a “want to be rock star, apparently you can buy his music on Itunes”) amazing private bar… it is in his garden, just next to the beach. Had a fantastic time with lovely people.

Then there are our “permanent” guests – who we sadly have seen very little of the last few days- Smitty and his sidekick Jason (just like Batman and Robin), who come round to our house to cook for us and entertain us!

On my bike everybody is waving and saying hello to me! Now I remember why I love those little islands! Find me here, if I might just “accidentally” miss my flight back to the UK!

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