Time is flying….

And I am still trying to catch up on our weekend adventures!

After a long night in the Pump House, with a life band playing and people teaching me Caribbean style dancing- will have to practice soon if I can still move my bum without moving either my legs or shoulders next time- we had a lie-in on Sunday. We then decided to explore a bit more of the South coast, and take our snorkelling gear (I just bought new mask and snorkel on Saturday, and went for a nice swim in Feathers Bay. Sarah was lucky enough to see a barracuda following her, but sadly as soon as I turned around he was gone!!!

Next we decided to go to Savannah Bay, further up in the East- and this took our low lying black pimp car to a real test! Off the road it went- and let me tell you, I really really now miss my little blue car!!! Little Blue would have loved it, black pimp car had to work very hard to go across all the rocks, drains etc… into the middle of no-where. And then we arrived, at the end of the road- and there was a small little remote beach cafe, complete with a 1 day old baby goat resting behind some chairs. And there I had some absolutely amazing fish (to eat). The little goat was very curious and came to say hello and nibble on my fingers, very brave little thing.

Well fed we went to explore the beautiful empty beach, and went snorkelling… there were plenty of fish, and we were just about skimming over the remains of the reefs. And suddenly I got trapped! I had no idea where to go any more, the waves slightly pushed us up and down, but I was so close to the bottom, and all the crevices were covered with spiky sea urchins! This was the first time ever in my life that I got really panicky in the water- and that in 30 cm deep water!

However, once out of there I have to say it was a fantastic day it was!

And the black car did a good job- I guess it never imagined it would ever be challenged that badly in its life!!

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