Bulk undeplete and custom check-in dates

Just letting you know about a couple of small changes that have gone live recently.

The first is simply an option to allow bulk restoration of samples that have been depleted in error (undepletion). This is available from the collection, study and participant-level sample grids for the same staff roles that have the ability to deplete. Following a bulk undepletion, the user will be presented with a sample summary of those samples. This allows the user to check-in the samples efficiently, as storage data will have been removed when the samples were initially marked as depleted.

The second addition is to allow users to enter a custom date and time when checking-in samples. Previously the sample location history would store the date/time that the action was performed on the system, so this allows for more accurate records if there’s a delay between checking-in and updating Achiever.

As usual, please let the Achiever team know if you have any queries or concerns – thank you.