Newcastle Electromagnetism Seminar with Ivor Catt and David Walton

I have just held (on Wed. 9th October 2013) a unique research event at Newcastle, a seminar on Electromagnetism, with Ivor Catt and David Walton speaking about their unconventional electromagnetic theory (based on Oliver Heaviside’s notion of energy current).

What motivated me to organize this seminar:

Why Electromagnetism? It is because there is quite a lot of interesting knowledge in the work of Ivor Catt’s team on TEM that could and should be discussed with academics and young researchers working with one or another side of electromagnetic theory in their specific areas, including Power Electronics and Microsystems.

Why Newcastle? Because there is a close connection between David Walton with Newcastle, facts that Oliver Heaviside sent his Morse pulses from Newcastle, good research community here, who have natural curiosity and are not afraid of controversy.

The details of the seminar and the videos of the lectures can be found here:



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