Electron is a two-faced Janus of Electrical and Magnetic aspects of energy current trapped in it …

Can you give me a proof that what you have inside an electron is any different from the so-called ‘empty space’. Any finite section of space has the right to say – look, I have my one epsilon and mu hence I have my own speed with which ExH travels in me. What’s wrong with this approach? The fact that electron is tiny doesn’t deprive it from the privilege of having its own ExH trapped in it. Then this electron can have both electric and magnetic Januses to turn to us in the form of its charge and spin!

My response to Akinbo’s email:



From: Akinbo Ojo <taojo@hotmail.com>
Sent: 14 January 2020 15:36
Subject: Re: Displacement Current in Deep Space for Starlight

Hi Alex,

When taking a medicine is worse than the disease one wants to cure I think it is wise to stick with the disease. I also ask you to take note of what Harry just posted concerning how you want to combine the equations.

The only place I see usefulness for the ExH concept is in transmission lines (co-axial cables) where E can travel in the core wire and H can travel alongside in the space between. But there are no such transmission lines or co-axial cables in space so this type of energy current cannot work in empty space.



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