Three Postdoc Positions in Extragalactic Astronomy

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics (MSP) at Newcastle University are seeking to recruit three Research Associates in Extragalactic Astrophysics, joining an exciting UKRI-funded research program managed by Dr. Christopher Harrison. Information and application instructions are available here:

The project will combine multi-wavelength astronomical observations with hydrodynamic simulations in order to make significant scientific progress in understanding how Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) influence the formation and evolution of galaxies. Three Research Associate positions are available covering the following specific areas:

  • 1) MOONS support and related science:

You will become a member of the MOONS extragalactic consortium. You will have experience in optical/near-infrared spectroscopy and/or processing large datasets. The holder of this 3+1 year position will split their work effort halfway between supporting data reduction/software/archiving for the the forthcoming MOONS multi-object spectrograph and on related science projects

  • 2) Multi-wavelength observations of AGN feedback:

You will have relevant skills in observational astronomy. Applicants with expertise in reducing/analysing interferometric radio data are particularly encouraged. The holder of this 3 year position will work on a variety of observational datasets to study how AGN are influencing the properties of their host galaxies

  • 3) Hydrodynamic simulations of AGN feedback:

You will have experience in hydrodynamic galaxy simulations. The holder of this 3 year position will develop hydrodynamic simulations to produce observationally testable predictions of the influence of AGN on their host galaxy’s interstellar medium.