Women in Engineering – part 1

Mosopefoluwa Oikeh, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry, writes about Women in Engineering.  Here’s part 1 of her blog celebrating International Women in Engineering Day:


I began to show interest in engineering and science as a child after my elementary education. At elementary school, I was introduced to subjects related to engineering like introduction to technology and general science. I found this subjects more interesting and applicable, as there were practical sessions for some topics.

Careers in science and engineering are prestigious professions in Africa and if successful as a female, you become an icon even though the chances were slim.  However, as a child I wanted this prestige and this birth my interest in science and engineering. In addition, I had two science teachers while at college who spurred my interest in chemistry and physics because of the teachers’ creative teaching styles and practicality of the subjects.

My ambition is to be competent at providing engineered solution to issues that affect the environment. I aspire to research ways to harness carbon capture potentials of so called greenhouse sources e.g. landfill and oil polluted soils.

The decision to study geology and petroleum geology as first and second degrees respectively informed my choice of specialising in environmental science. This human activities and impact on the environment increased my awareness of our endangered earth. I believe It is not just enough to create problems in a bit to harness energy, it is safe and responsible to solve the environmental problems that arise in the process

Environmental engineering is one field I am also interested in and plans to gain professional qualifications in this area as well.

Currently, I am doing a postgraduate taught programme in environmental and petroleum geochemistry. This course addresses issues with pollution, assessing and quantifying pollutants, mapping pollution sources and its fate in the environment. I am happy the knowledge gained so far is helping so well in progressing my career

Newcastle University’s career service has been a very helpful medium. It organises career sessions involving talks from industries and professionals in my field. It also provides information about job and research opportunities which may not be opened to the general public. The library resources are wonderful, accessible and up to date.

My advice to young girls is to identify their passion, pursue it with vigour and strive to be the best at it. As a girl, you are not an alternative or option, but a necessity. This statement remains true in any chosen career- as long as you are competent in your chosen field. I hope to inspire young girls first by being a role model to influence those around me. Also, I aim to utilise opportunities I have to creatively teach science subjects to inspire the young ones.



Practical elements of the MSc Environmental Engineering

Takudzwa Chipamaunga, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental Engineering, writes about the laboratory sessions involved in her degree and how these practical elements link to real issues

As part of the MSc Environmental Engineering course, I have attended several laboratory sessions, the most recent one where I had the chance to test the quality of River Tyne water. The laboratory facilities in the School gives one access to research equipment that is at the forefront of technology, which includes a range of apparatus for making measurements and investigating water treatment processes. I find that conducting experiments in the laboratory sessions, with discussions before, during and after the experiments an effective and enjoyable approach of moving from passive to active learning. I feel as if the active learning has exploited my natural curiosity about environmental affairs and what I enjoy about the sessions is that it gets me to think of the questions before they are answered during the experiments.

In general, the course has so far provided me with the scientific skills and the understanding of the fundamental chemical, physical and biological processes fitting for a practising environmental engineer. I have gained experience of practical analytical methods to evaluate pollution of the natural environmental and engineered treatment systems. I have so far developed a good understanding of sciences which reinforce Environmental Engineering and sustainability of the environment. I would now be confident to go out in the field upon completion of my course having gained this experience and I believe that the laboratory studies bridge the gap between analytical models and real environmental issues.

My passion for Environmental Engineering

 Alexander Alfageme Schmidt, a postgraduate student writes about his passion for the subject and what he hopes to gain from his postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering 


Before starting my Masters degree in Environmental Engineering I had honestly done very little that someone could say was directly linked to environmental engineering. Although my BSc was in Applied and Environmental Geology I mostly learnt a lot about rocks and minerals for 3 years. It wasn’t until my final year that I took a module on environmental geology that I realised that my interests lay in environmental issues and not solely in rocks (shocking I know). I began reading further into this and becoming more and more interested in how people were going about trying to solve environmental issues around the world, at the time acid mine drainage and land remediation strategies were of particular interest.

When I saw there was a course called environmental engineering I knew straight away what I wanted to do my masters in. In doing this course I hope to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to make a difference. By the way things seem to be going globally, working to maintain our environment is going to become an even greater challenge than it already is, and I want to be part of the solution.

Newcastle University – a diverse student experience…

Tshepo Tshambane, a MSc in Geotechical Engineering student, writes about her experience so far as a postgraduate student and what its like living in the city of Newcastle


From starting in a big city (Sheffield) to relocating to a small town in the corner of the country (Penryn), living in Newcastle has been the ‘pièce de résistance’ of my time in the UK; from the people I’ve met to the things I have done-and all within the few months that I’ve been here so far. I can only describe it as one of kind.

To begin with I have never been in an institution that values the input and varying opinions of its students; there are multiple student held positions across the board such as course reps who sit on Staff Student Committees as well as Board of Studies meetings which go towards influencing how the courses are run and the general betterment of the student body and go so far as having school reps sitting on Graduate School Committees-so there is never a shortage of student representation within Newcastle University.

The same sentiment is carried through to the smallest corners of the university, the cultural representation in my course cohort alone is something special. I have since met so many people who originate from all parts of the world; Spain, India, Jamaica… including those born and raised in Northumberland county. The mixture of students and the ongoing journey to get to know them all has been an experience on its own and from a fellow international student, the spirit of inclusion and comradery has never left since the first group activity we had of exploring this new city with a group of people I had never met before during our intro week. The continued effort from each postgraduate student to be helpful and approachable has been more than what I expected which lets me enjoy group activities more-yes even GROUPWORK isn’t so bad… and of course the group’s social outings aren’t so bad either as a reward to ourselves after each hard worked submission!

Who can mention Newcastle without touching on the social life of the city?? Granted, being a postgraduate has not awarded me with as much leisure time as my undergraduate years but there is still a plethora of happenings to take advantage of around any schedule. For the social night bugs, there are a string of clubs and pubs that welcome the student status with discounted entries and drinks on almost every night, great places to eat and at least four cinemas around for the movie buffs like me! Daytime activities aren’t on the shortlist either, there is plenty to do and see in Newcastle; I can proudly boast that I have walked under or across all six bridges that cross the Tyne including the famous Millennium bridge! I am yet to stand at the feet of the Angel of North but that and much more can be achieved through the university’s “Give-It-A-Go” initiative!

Ranked amongst the top 10 universities on the Time’s Higher Education Student survey, studying here at Newcastle University is building to be a bittersweet experience between wishing I could have started my educational journey here from undergraduate and being grateful that Newcastle University is where I get to complete it all! 🙂

Why I chose to study MSc Geotechnical Engineering

Tshepo Tshambane, a postgraduate student writes about her passion for Geotechnical Engineering and what she hopes to gain from her postgraduate degree in the subject


I was born in Botswana, a country well known for its mines and rare earth commodities. So from living an almost nomadic life between all the mining towns in the country (due to my mother’s work within the various mines) this set the course for what I thought would be my life plan. I studied Mining Engineering as an undergraduate to be a mining engineer and go work in a mine-but it was then that I was introduced to Geotechnical Engineering. I fell in love! Geotechnical Engineering was the technical side that I felt that I had been missing. Mining was more about people and resource management, more theory than a “hands on approach”. I began researching the subject as a career and every coursework I undertook, I made sure to make it geotechnically aligned. I learnt that by studying Geotechnical Engineering at a higher level it could open doors that I had never cast my mind upon due to its niche nature.

It has only been a few months in and I am still astounded by the options and directions that my career path can take. At the end of my postgraduate degree I could go immediately into consultancy-which is an umbrella word in its own right as no one company seems to do the same thing! I could go back and work in those mines I grew up around but in a more specialised capacity; mining engineers are a dime a dozen but geotechnical engineers are a worth their weight in gold! At the end of the day I have a secret hope to be a lecturer… so I’m playing around with the idea of going into a PhD after this degree. To say that studying in Newcastle has broadened my horizons would be an understatement. I have never been more surrounded by information or help and guidance to pursue any future that I prefer. I chose Newcastle University only knowing how great their module choices were but it has been more than that since being here; I see the growth of my soft skills as much as my technical skills, I have met members and employees of companies and organisations that I now aspire to be a part of… My career path was never set in stone but it is here that I believe that I began the first steps.

Why I chose to study MSc Geotechnical Engineering

Gaby Vicarey, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Geotechnical Engineering, writes about her passion for the subject and what she hopes to achieve after completing her postgraduate degree


During secondary school and sixth form I really enjoyed geography lessons, so much so I decided to pursue it at University. Although, I preferred to only continue with physical geography rather than human geography, as I enjoy the more scientific approach to the discipline. Thus, when looking for undergraduate university courses I decided to complete a joint honours BSc in Physical Geography and Geology. Until then I had never studied geology and didn’t know what to expect, at first it was tough but later in the course I started to enjoy it which made it easier to study. By the time, I came to complete the course in 2015 geology became the subject I enjoyed the most and had the best grades in.

Originally, I wanted to go straight into industry once graduating, however the companies I applied for stated that I required more experience and a master’s qualification. As a result through recommendations from a friend, I decided to attend an open day at Newcastle University.

Whilst at the open day I found out that the university was ranked within the top 1% of global institutions, 16th in the world for global research power and 80% of students went into work 6 months after graduating.

In addition, whilst there I spoke with staff about the MSc in Engineering Geology degree programme, which my friend from my undergraduate degree spoke highly of. They stated how this programme would be able to provide me with the specialist technical skills and industrial knowledge which are paramount to having a career in engineering geology. Furthermore, throughout the course several professionals from the industry give guest lectures on techniques and industrial codes of practice, these are sessions designed to benefit not only our education but it also allows us to ask questions about companies, specific jobs and how you would apply for them.

The combination of the university’s reputation, the course specification and guest lectures, prompted my decision to apply for the programme starting September 2016.

Whilst here I have been able to consider a variety of options for my future career, often fluctuating between working within the industry and going into academia. I have been able to discuss with staff about these options and decide what my next steps will be. Resulting in me deciding to become a teacher, as I would like to stimulate and encourage young people into considering an enjoyable and educational geological career.

Being at Newcastle has helped me realise my potential, as I have been able to work alongside students and lecturers to develop my communication, leading and organisational skills to run group sessions and be a valuable member of the student-staff committee.

My experience so far…

Gaby Vicarey, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Geotechnical Engineering, writes about her experience so far as a postgraduate student at Newcastle University


I believe that Newcastle itself is a very welcoming city, there are a lot of cultures here and recreational areas where people can get together and have a good time. The University is in the town centre making it very easy to just walk into town and do something, like going to the cinema or watching the football. This nice relaxed attitude spreads throughout the university as well. There are plenty of opportunities across the campus to spend time with people on your course or just any one in general. It is very easy to meet other students on your course as during induction week there is an ice breaker party and an orienteering session where students from all courses are mixed to complete several tasks as a team.

Personally, I have really enjoyed my time here as everyone on my course and related courses are all really pleasant and friendly. Although a large percentage of our time together is spent in the research room, we all still talk to each other and help if needed. When we finish coursework or an exam we meet up in town and have a few drinks to relax and get to know each other a bit better. It is nice to mingle every now and again outside of university.

It is a bit easier for people who live in student accommodation to mix together as they are closer, a lot of people on my course live in the same block. Whereas, myself and a few other students live in separate housing in other parts of Newcastle such as Chillingham Road, Heaton which is a popular student area as the rent prices are fair and there are a lot of shops and restaurants. Nevertheless, there isn’t much of a difference as it is easy to use the metro service which is cheap and well connected throughout the whole of Newcastle. For example from Chillingham road to the university on foot is approximately 30 minutes whereas getting the metro will only take 10 minutes tops. Getting a metro day saver only costs £2.80 and you can visit other areas in a certain zone for the day.

Combining all this together, it has been very easy moving from home to Newcastle. If I ever need any help or someone to talk to about university work or personal matters there is always a friend on my course or an adviser from the university to help me.

Research elements of my degree – MSc Geotechnical Engineering

Tshepo Tshambane, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Geotechnical Engineering, writes about the research aspects of her degree and how it has benefited her learning experience at Newcastle University.


In my postgraduate degree, the research aspect comes in the form of a dissertation. We are provided with over 60 open ended topics and room to add our own if we so wish. The research topics are varied in nature some involve immense field work while some are laboratory based. These topics are real world issues that in some shape or form have not been fully addressed yet and thus gives us the students, an opportunity to complete the puzzle with our own understanding, both methodically and creatively. Some of the topics given are directly from industry where a company is having a time sensitive issue such as the progressive decrease in usage of Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) for mine grouting, as an example, and they need to find an alternative product. The students work hand in hand with these companies, giving them the chance to come up with ground breaking solutions as well as an opportunity of work under industry conditions.

Though the research is primarily our work to demonstrate our own initiatives and the direction in which we would want the world to move to, we are supported by research active academic staff who have a strong interest in these fields. With most, the topic they have proposed stems from work they have done previously and are possibly in need of a fresh mind with a new perspective to forward the work. They guide us and offer advice from their years of knowledge and experience while giving us free reign of the project.

The way our dissertations are set up is truly enriching not only academically but also with obtaining soft skills as we learn how to work on our own initiatives and practice time management as we work with deadlines and more so our research runs alongside our normal academic schedules. We learn effective communication skills from presenting ideas we have in our heads to an audience who may or may not know what the subject entails. Our employability skills are also improved in terms of presentation and proposal writing, allowing us to gain specialist knowledge and the ability to decide what is relevant or not. I have truly enjoying this process, the research here is both challenging and eye opening, it prepares us well for life after graduation; both in industry and when pursuing a PhD.

Why I chose Newcastle University

Valini Samaroo, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Transport Planning and Intelligent Transport Systems, writes about the decision making process of choosing a university, how she reviewed similar programmes and what attracted her to finally choose to study at Newcastle University.


Before discovering Newcastle University, my road to choosing a postgraduate programme of study was quite challenging. I’d already been working for seven years within the field of Transportation Engineering; I loved it so much, and decided that this was the career path to continue along.

I sought an MSc program that would challenge me academically, have a good mix of theory and its practical applications, cover a range of topics and offer the opportunity for innovative and exciting research. I was expecting a lot, to say the least.

My months of searching narrowed me down to three Universities in the UK: Newcastle University (Newcastle), Imperial College (London) and the University of Southampton (Southampton). Each of these Universities offered postgraduate programs in Transport Planning/Engineering, with subtle differences among them, but there was one that stood out to me: Newcastle University.

The program content of the Newcastle University MSc, in my opinion, is a lot more balanced. The ‘Road Safety’ and ‘Intelligent Transport Systems’ modules are most interesting, as these are two areas I am very keen on. The program offers a great mix of theory and real-life applications, supplemented by weekly seminars from industry leaders and even a trip to Germany!

The Transport Operations Research Group (TORG), based at the University and encompassing staff involved in the Transport Planning course, is at the forefront of transport research with many industry-leading projects. It offers great connections between the University and industry, which is useful for job-seekers later on.

A quick search online returned one common result: Newcastle is THE city for students. Information on the University’s website and student forums such as ‘thestudentroom.com’ speak of the city’s charm, friendliness and most of all, affordability.

I am glad that I chose Newcastle University to pursue my postgraduate studies, as it has surpassed all of my expectations. The support from staff within my programme and across the campus is phenomenal. It is so easy to get almost anything done, with assistance available at every point. The campus itself is beautiful with its historical buildings and effortless grace.

The friendliness of the City is not a myth and Newcastle offers something for everyone: from a quiet bookshop to have ‘cuppa’ to a booming club to dance the night away. I’ve seen many more blue skies since I’ve been here than bad weather, and the view at Whitley Bay early on a Saturday morning, just brings it all together!

Engaging with Industry – Environmental Consultancy MSc

Sophie Metcalf, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental Consultancy, writes about her experiences so far with industry and what she has gained from guest lectures and site visits offered by Newcastle University.


Experience and knowledge of industry is important when studying Geoscience. For many of us, the end goal is to get a job. Therefore, it is important to hear from the horse’s mouth about what techniques are currently being used, how academic research is being applied to those techniques and what the geosciences job sector is currently looking like. What better way to hear this and apply it to our studies than guest lectures and site visits?

Not only is it important to get an insight into industry, guest lectures and site visits also enrich the learning experience and mean that as MSc students, we get a perspective different to the usual academic one. Here at Newcastle University we have excellent industry links and balance the content of the courses between academia and industry well.

Guest Lectures:

During my first semester here, I have sat through many guest lectures from industry experts. These have given our classes an alternative view to some of the theories and content we have covered in class. For example, as part of the Solid Waste Management module Forbes McDougall (Head of Circular Economy at Veolia UK) lectured on the Circular Economy and his experiences in the Solid Waste Management sector. This provided valuable insight that you couldn’t get from standard lectures alone.

Site Visits:

So far during my first semester here, I have had the opportunity to participate in quite a few site visits/field trips. From identifying geological features along the Northumberland coastline, visiting geotechnical soil testing labs and to sampling waters at acid mine water remediation sites. These have been opportunities to apply knowledge and concepts covered in lectures to industry and real world examples. In particular, the visit to Acomb mine water remediation site, not only gave the class the opportunity to sample and analyse treated waters. The trip was also an opportunity to see the application of leading research undertaken within the department.


Research aspects of my degree – Environmental Consultancy MSc

Sophie Metcalf, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental Consultancy, writes about the research aspects of her degree and how she has benefited because of it.


Research plays an important part of the Geosciences MSc courses here at Newcastle. Not only are students required to undertake their own research project, our studies are complimented and enhanced by the research active staff teaching the taught components of the course.

Newcastle University is renowned for the high quality research undertaken both university wide and within the School. This ultimately means that as MSc students here, we are being taught by some of the country’s top academics. Being part of a department has so many research active staff means that there are a multitude of exciting opportunities made available to students for their research dissertations. This is one of the most exciting aspects of being an MSc student here and is what drew me to applying. It is an exciting challenge to develop a research project alongside my academic supervisors that is at the cutting edge of the field. Having the opportunity to work so closely with research staff here has been an amazing opportunity for gaining knowledge and experience.

Not only does research play an integral role as part of the MSc research dissertations but it also plays a role in enhancing the lecture content. Not only do the lectures cover standard course content and skills, our lectures often incorporate the cutting edge research of the teaching staff. This is often in the form of case studies and field visits. As students it is so important to see how the theory we are learning is applied not only to research but also to industry and real world applications.

Site Visits and Field Trips – Environmental Consultancy MSc

Sophie Metcalf, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental Consultancy, writes about her field trips and site visits involved in her course.


As part of the MSc programme here, students are required to undertake a personal research dissertation. Due to the nature of the subject, projects often includes site visits to the area of interest for observation and sampling. Recently I undertook my preliminary site visit as part of my research dissertation, which gave me the opportunity to get out of the city and into the beautiful countryside of North East England. The North Pennines are classed as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the mid-march sunshine most definitely brought out the best of this beautiful landscape!


The North Pennines

My project is focused on geochemical investigations of abandoned metal mine sites in the North Pennines, so my first field visit involved undertaking a reconnaissance of the sites I will be looking at. All the sites have heavy metal contamination from the historic land use as metal mines. The project is funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund and is part of the larger OREsome project being undertaken across the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is an amazing opportunity to work in such a beautiful area of the country and on some sites that have been un-researched and untouched until now. This project will build on work already undertaken by staff within the Geoscience department to quantify the metal contamination entering water courses in the North Pennines, which eventually reaches the River Tyne and Newcastle.


Site investigation


Dr Neil Gray, Degree Programme Director of Geoscience Programmes

It is sometimes easy to forget that such a vibrant city such as Newcastle, is located to closely to some of the most stunning countryside in the country. I am greatly looking forward to undertaking more site visits to this beautiful part of the world, to undertake sample collection.

Why I chose Newcastle University

Mosopefoluwa Oikeh, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry, writes about her decision to study at Newcastle University.


I believe that certain factors are worth considering before choosing a university or course of study. Excellent teaching and research standards, amazing student experience and career prospects are just a few determinants I examined while reviewing universities in the United Kingdom.

As an international student, I wanted the best student experience I could get. The thought of leaving home for a new environment and how easy it would be to acclimatise was daunting. However, I had friends in Newcastle University who shared their student experiences with me which helped calm my nerves. I found this to be true as you get to meet students from diverse cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, thereby creating opportunities to socialise and learn about other cultures. There are occasional side attractions and social activities organised by the student union and other registered societies which makes the experience exciting.

Talking about teaching and research standards, civil engineering as well as some other departments was rated world leading or internationally excellent. In addition, I desired to study a master’s degree taught course that will reflect petroleum geology and environmental science and I found a perfect course at Newcastle University. The university is ranked one of the best and one of the top 20 most targeted universities by UK’s leading employers; as such increasing career prospects.

Newcastle upon Tyne is a city with rich cultural heritage and a vibrant student city. The nearness of the university and accommodation to the city centre makes it accessible and exciting to dwell in. The people are warm and lovely. The city’s night view and monuments are nice for relaxation and reflection. When it is time to withdraw from the social attractions and concentrate on studies, the university campus is an excellent place. The libraries are strategically located around the campus and can be accessed anytime of the day, during school term. The city has a local airport which connects other cities within the UK and some countries. Living and studying in Newcastle is one choice I have never regretted.

Field visits

Li Yuan, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Structural Engineering, writes about some of the field trips she has been involved with so far.


During the second semester of my MSc in Structural Engineering, we have had several study field visits in the month of March. The first was the study tour to Durham city. The city is a very attractive tourist attraction in the North East, with the River Wear looping around the Romanesque Durham Cathedral and Norman Durham Castle. The aim of the trip was to inspect the bridges along the River Wear in the heart of the city.


The first bridge we visited was the Framwellgate Bridge. As the oldest bridge in the city, Framwellgate Bridge is over loomed by Durham Cathedral. The bridge was constructed in 1127 by Bishop Flambard as a well-protected entry point into the city. For centuries, the three-span stone arch bridge carries the traffic flow into the city, it was doubled in width in 1859. Thanks to the rocky foundations, the bridge arches are sound and stable and is still servicing to the traffic above it. The ancient construction may seem simple and not fancy as the model bridges, however, the stone arches are the most durable and long lasting bridge construction in comparison to the model bridge designs.


Our second study trip was to Edinburgh city. As the capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh is a steeped in history, from its world famous clifftop castle to the Royal Mile, every brick in the city has its own story to tell. However, this trip we focused on the modern side of the city’s architecture. We visited the Dynamic Earth, located on the exact spot where James Hutton (the father of modern geology) lived and worked in the 18th century. The centre comprises of a fabric roof and its support structure that was constructed on the exhibition gallery under it. A hemispherical dome illustrated the membrane structure and its support structure working principle.

Why I chose MSc Structural Engineering at Newcastle University

Li Yuan, a postgraduate student studying an MSc in Structural Engineering, writes about her passion for the subject and what she hopes to achieve after gaining her postgraduate degree.


My decision to join Newcastle University to study an MSc in Structural Engineering, was made after long consideration and evaluation.

There are a number of universities that offer a similar course, and so deciding which to apply for was tricky. As my family were settled in the North East, the universities that I considered in the first instance were the ones located close to home. Newcastle University was a top-ranking university with an outstanding reputation amongst the North East universities on my list. In particular, it is ranked 2nd in the UK for Civil Engineering research power, which fulfilled my requirement as someone interested in becoming a Structural Engineer PG student.

In comparison with competitors, the MSc Structural Engineering course at Newcastle is delivered with more attention to industrial practice. The modules are taught in blocks, which is a huge advantage to me as I don’t have to jump in and out from each module. The teachers and professors are from or work closely with the civil engineering industry, allowing my study to be industrially focused.

As an investment of my career development, an MSc in Structural Engineering at Newcastle University will provide me with a better platform to restart my career. With 86 percent of graduate students from this program being employed or in further study after 6 months. This is a very high ratio compared to other universities. Furthermore, this course is accredited by the ICE and IstructE. The acceptance by the leading industrial institutions will enhance my job hunting success after my graduation.

I am currently in the middle of my final semester. The experience of passed study has proven my decision to study an MSc in Structural Engineering at Newcastle University was definitely the right decision!