Pop-up Mentoring Scheme

Inspired by the schemes used by the Linguistics Society of America and at Many Paths to Language (MPI-Nijmegen), CLS 2024 will be offering a Pop-up Mentoring Scheme.

The scheme aims to give people a chance to discuss career questions with someone outside of their official or existing support systems. Popular topics of discussion include work/life balance, advice on publishing, navigating academia as a member of a minority group, and many more. The scheme is open to anyone regardless of career stage, gender identity or experience.

If you decide to take part, then during CLS 2024, there will be a dedicated time and place to meet your mentor or mentee on site. We’ll update you on this nearer the time. You can also choose to meet off-site or online if you wish.

There are three ground rules to taking part in the scheme (h/t LSA):

  1. The mentoring meet-up is a one-time event (i.e., the mentor is not signing on for a longer-term mentoring relationship)
  2. The mentee should come with a specific question or two to guide the session and make the most of it
  3. The mentee should send the mentor some information about themselves and their question(s) ahead of time, but not expect that the mentor will have read this information prior to the meeting.

To take part, you just need to sign up here:

If you have any questions about the mentoring scheme, please email the CLS 2024 Organising Committee.