Newcastle Work Experience: new opportunities

Newcastle Work Experience (NWE) is a flexible 100 hour placement scheme providing undergraduate and postgraduate students with the opportunity to undertake challenging project-based placements within Newcastle University and North East businesses.

Details are given below for three new opportunities, please follow the links given for more information and to apply. Continue reading “Newcastle Work Experience: new opportunities”

Systems & Software Engineer Year Placement at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Job Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Systems & Software Engineer Year Placement-1465895


It’s an exciting time to join Hewlett Packard Enterprise. We’re embarking on a new journey. Creating new opportunities for you. Join us, and you’ll collaborate with some of the best minds in the industry. Together, we’ll develop lasting partnerships with our clients, generate ideas that drive technology, and sharpen our innovative edge. We’re leading the market in enterprise infrastructure, software and services. Are you ready to be part of one of the world’s largest technology companies? Join the Hewlett Packard Enterprise team.

More information and application details here

Source: United Kingdom Administration jobs – Systems & Software Engineer Year Placement at HPE

Career Mentoring for Newcastle University Students

Looking to get ahead in your career?

Career Mentoring offers Newcastle University students career support through pairing you to a mentor working in the region.  Mentoring pairs you with a mentor working in industry to help you make contacts, and get an insight into their job role and organisation.

You will be paired with a mentor and have at least four sessions over a four to five month period.  The frequency of these sessions and where they take place is up to you and your mentor to decide, so the programme is flexible around your other commitments.

Who could be my mentor?

We currently have mentors available within the IT sector, including local companies such as Scott Logic and Bede Gaming.  Your mentor could be anyone from a recent graduate, senior project and team managers, individuals working on a freelance basis, and CEOs of start-up companies.  You’ll be matched to a mentor based on what you want to achieve from the programme.

If you’re looking for advice about how to tackle tricky interview questions, what to expect from a placement / internship, or how to get ahead in your career – your mentor can use their experience and knowledge to help you.

Want to sign up?

Visit our website to find out more details.

Careers Service – Stay tuned with social media

As well as the Computing Science resources, the Careers Service has an extensive list of social media resources:

Source: What’s new? – Careers Service – Newcastle University. Originally published on: 24th September 2015

Welcome new and returning students

Once again it’s the start of a new academic year. If you’re a student in Computing Science at Newcastle University thinking about graduate employment and work experience, including placements, we hope to provide you with some useful resources to help you with your job search.

This blog (csatncljobs) has, for the past couple of years, hosted opportunities for placement and graduate  jobs together with links to other information provided by the University Careers Service. We’re now changing things a little so that there is less repetition of information: the Careers Service Vacancies Online system is the main repository for all job opportunities. The csatncljobs blog now includes an RSS feed for all IT related jobs, and another RSS feed specifically for IT related placements.

We’ll be using the blog to draw your attention to some specific opportunities, fast approaching deadlines, events, news and anything else relating to employability.

Very best wishes for the year ahead, and please let us know of anything else you’d like to see included in these pages.