Do you want to convert documents into formats that work best for you?
Newcastle University is running a pilot with SensusAccess, a self- service system which automatically converts documents into alternate formats. You can:
- Convert PDFs, JPEGs and other files into an e-book, text file, audio or braille.
- Combine more than one .JPG into a single file.
The uploaded document is automatically deleted after being converted. No uploaded or converted documents are stored by SensusAccess
Converting a document is achieved in four easy steps and full details, including the conditions of use and step by step instructions, can all be found on the ASK website.
As this is a pilot, The Learning and Teaching Development Service (LTDS) are keen to hear your views.
If staff would like to feedback experiences or need any further information, please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk
Students can contact disabilityadvisor@ncl.ac.uk if they’d like to provide feedback.