Science Museum Lates
Our group gave a demonstration of next generation solar cells at the Science Museum, London, on 29th March 2017 as part of the Royal Society’s Next Big Thing.
The Science Museum’s Lates is a free night for adults that takes place on the last Wednesday of the month, seeing this national museum open its doors to 4,000-5,000 adults.
These events have a different theme each month and it aims to showcase some of the best research from leading UK scientists.

The Gravity Fields Festival in Grantham was held on the 23 September 2016. Libby participated in a panel discussion “The Next Big Thing” with Dr Meghan Gray, University of Nottingham and Dr Lauren Guillette, St Andrews University.
The International Summer School on Colourful Chemistry will be hosted at Newcastle again this year. For details of how to apply please click the link below.
Royal Society Summer Exhibition – A Little Light Chemistry
London July 2015
We gave 8 schools lectures in 2 days – Phew!
Colourful Chemistry Summer School
Newcastle University August 2015
We made flexible dye-sensitized solar cells that gave 5% efficiency under ambient light. Thanks to GCell for supplying the kits!
Soapbox Science Newcastle
July 2015
Monument station surrounded by inspiring scientists!
Acting out how a dye-sensitized solar cell works using toothpaste, a cabbage, iodine tablets and pencils! The pink ball is an electron which flows around the cell in an electrical current.
Fiona built a fabulous solar house that powered a digital clock!