Heidi Bateman receives Helen Tonge funding awards

Congratulations to Heidi Bateman who has received funding from the Helen Tonge award (School of Dental Sciences) to support attendance at 2 research methods training courses (Qualitative Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis), and the ASME Annual Scientific Meeting which will be held in July where she’ll be presenting ‘Delivering to ‘that list’: The challenges of working with Learning Outcomes.’

This funding will provide an opportunity to disseminate education research outputs on a national platform. It will also enable skill development in research methodology to permit extension of current research projects and enable future design and implementation.

The Helen Tonge Award is open to all School of Dental Sciences staff involved in research, teaching, or engagement activities.  It is designed to offer financial support to undertake short-term ‘projects’ and activities which support the development of the school’s ethos, and where no other sources of funding are available.  Applications must clearly link to one or more aspects of the Schools ethos statement. Watch out for calls for applications circulated around the School at regular intervals.

Publications Summer 2018

Congratulations to everyone in the Faculty who has published their research this quarter. If anything is missing let us know.

Journal Articles

Rammell J, Matthan J, Gray M, Bookless LR, Nesbitt CI, Rodham P, Moss J, Stansby G, Phillips AW, Asynchronous Unsupervised Video-Enhanced Feedback As Effective As Direct Expert Feedback in the Long-Term Retention of Practical Clinical Skills: Randomised Trial Comparing 2 Feedback Methods in a Cohort of Novice Medical Students. Journal of Surgical Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsurg.2018.03.013

St Clair-Thompson H, Chivers C, Characteristics of students who consider taking a psychology placement year. Studies in Higher Education . https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2018.1466113

Presseau J, Mackintosh J, Hawthorne G, Francis JJ, Johnston M, Grimshaw JM, Steen N, Coulthard T, Brown H, Kaner E, Elovaninio M, Sniehotta FF, Cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based multiple behaviour change intervention aimed at healthcare professionals to improve their management of Type 2 diabetes in primary care. Implementation Science. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-018-0754-5

Codd A, Burford B, Petruso G, Davidson N, Vance G, Development and evaluation of a digistory about autistic spectrum disorder – a pilot study. Education for Primary Care.

Mayes J, Davies S, Harris A, Wray E, Dark GG, Impact of a 2-Week Oncology Placement on Medical Students’ Perception of Cancer. Journal of Cancer Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-016-1101-7

Moynihan P, Makino Y, Petersen PE, Ogawa H, Implications of WHO Guideline on Sugars for dental health professionals . Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdoe.12353

Oleribe OO, Salako BL, Akpalu A, Anteyi E, Ka MM, Deen G, Akande T, Abellona MR, Lemoine M, McConnochie M, Foster M, Walker R, Taylor-Robson SD, Jawad A, Public Private Partnership in in-service training of physicians: the millennium development goal 6-partnership for African clinical training (M-PACT) approach. Pan African Medical Journal.

Steven A, Larkin V, Stewart J, Bateman B, The value of continuing professional development: a realistic evaluation of a multi-disciplinary workshop for Health Visitors dealing with children with complex need. Nurse Education Today. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.04.021

Martin AJ, Beska BJ, Wood G, Wyatt N, Codd A, Vance G, Burford B, Widening interest, widening participation: factors influencing school students’ aspirations to study medicine. BMC Medical Education. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-018-1221-3

Fisher JM, Tullo E, Stewart J, Pejorative phrases or innocent idioms? Exploring terms used by tomorrow’s doctors in relation to older people. Educational Gerontology. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601277.2018.1488387 

Conference proceedings

Jandial S, Bussey S, Sandford T, Frearson R, Evaluation of a novel longitudinal clinical placement in the MBBS programme, Newcastle University. ASME Annual Scientific Meeting.

Bussey S, Delgaty L, Use of ‘Adobe Connect’ web-conferencing software as a synchronous classroom to support e-learning. Annual North East Regional Learning and Teaching Conference (Three Rivers: The North East Universities Consortium).

B Abdulmohsen, I Gharib, S Mchanwell, Tooth morphology – tooth carving – a new approach to an old favourite. The Association of Basic Science Teachers in Dentistry (ABSTD) Spring meeting 2018– Integrating and Interfacing of Sciences in Dentistry and the wider academic Community. School of Dentistry, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK. Link (in p2):  https://abstd.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/newsletter-may-2018-v2.pdf


Extras post publication of ERDP Summer newsletter

Cobb, M, Prabahar P, Bartram A and J Matthan (2018) Enhancing the surgical skills of oral and maxillofacial trainees through dissection: A medical student cum oral and maxillofacial trainee perspective. Oral presentation at British Association of Clinical Anatomists, June 2018, Cambridge, UK

Eltayeb M and J Matthan (2018) ‘Additive Manufacturing’ in medical education: Marrying cranioplasty with skull anatomy utilising 3D printing can enhance anatomy learning. Oral presentation at British Association of Clinical Anatomists, June 2018, Cambridge, UK.

Matthan J, Rammell J, Gray M, Bookless L, Nesbitt C, Rodham P, Moss J, Stansby G and AW Phillips (2018) Asynchronous unsupervised video-enhanced feedback as effective as direct expert feedback in the long-term retention of practical clinical skills: Randomised trial comparing two feedback methods in a cohort of novice medical students. Oral presentation at ASME 2018, Newcastle England

Delgaty L and J Matthan (2018) Top Tips for Master’s Success: Exposing hidden elements of the research process to develop unseen research skills. Oral presentation at ASME 2018, Newcastle England

Matthan J and ID Keenan (2017) Anatomy in a new medical curriculum: Initial educator perspectives. Oral presentation The Trans-European Pedagogic Anatomical Research Group (TEPARG), Paris, March 2018

Nita G and J Matthan (2017) Minimally Invasive Anatomy: undergraduate clinical anatomy curricula must accommodate for new surgical advances. Eposter presentation at The Trans-European Pedagogic Anatomical Research Group (TEPARG), Paris, March 2018.

HEA Senior Fellow Status for Dr Fraser Birrell

Congratulations to Fraser Birrell, ICM, who has been awarded Higher Education Academy Senior Fellow Status. An HEA fellowship is an international  recognition of a commitment to professionalism in teaching and learning in higher education and demonstrates alignment of teaching practice with the UK Professional Standards Framework.

Fraser is the Degree Programme Director of the Masters of Clinical Research Programme and responsible for the development with the local Clinical Research Network of the highly successful Introduction to Research Skills course offered by Health Education England North East to all specialist registrars in the region. He is also Academic Lead of Shared Medical Appointments UK, driving spread of group consultation models regionally and nationally with the support of Health Education England North East.

Fraser’s team were recently recognised by the Royal College of Physicians of London at their Excellence in Patient Care Awards, being shortlisted for the Lancet Research Award for work on group consultations in primary & secondary care, co-designed with patients and delivering the same or better outcomes with 200-400% efficiency. If you are a clinician (doctor, nurse or allied health professional) wanting to learn to deliver care in this way and want to attend the national training course on 12th July you can register via  http://www.groupconsultations.com/rheumatologytraining/. 

If you are an academic interested in research in this field contact Fraser.Birrell@ncl.ac.uk directly.