ERDP Development Grants: Apply now!

The ERDP call for Development Grant applications is now open. This is the first time the Faculty has offered funding for projects that are specifically for Learning and Teaching Staff. It is envisaged that out of these smaller projects, larger, externally funded projects will have the potential to grow.

ERDP Development Grants are designed to offer financial support to staff who want to explore innovative approaches to learning and teaching that have the potential to inform curriculum development, provide an opportunity for personal development and will benefit staff and students both here and, through dissemination at conferences, nationally.

The Key Details:

  • £30K funding is available in total.
  • There will be three rounds of applications with the first deadline being 18th June 2015 and the second the 30th October 2015 and the third the 29th April 2016.

For further information please go to the ERDP website.

Dental Student Selection

ruth_valentineIt is important for dental schools to select students who will complete their degree and progress on to become the dentists of the future.  The process of selection should be transparent, fair and ethical and utilise selection tools that select appropriate students.  The interview is an integral part of all UK dental schools student selection procedures, however each school uses different methods and multiple mini interviews are becoming increasingly popular with UK schools, with 10 of the 14 now using them.  We have been looking at whether different interview methods used in selection predict academic performance in dental students.  We have compared interview data from Newcastle Dental School; who have a traditional method of interview and Cardiff Dental School, who use multiple mini interviews to select, with student performance in academic examinations in Year 1 of the respective schools. Interestingly interview performance at either institution did not correlate with year 1 examination performance; however the interview remains an integral part of the admissions process.  Ultimately schools need to be comfortable with their admissions procedures in attracting and selecting the calibre of students they desire. We are now going to look at performance in clinical years and relate this to interview process.

Results from this work have been submitted to the European Journal of Dental Education (Title:  Does a selection interview predict Year 1 performance in Dental School?  Robert McAndrew, Janice Ellis, Ruth A Valentine).

Welcome to our first post

The Faculty Unit for Educational Research Development and Practice is here to  support FMS Teaching staff drive curriculum innovation through education research.

We’ll be using our blog to share good news, promote current educational research work within FMS, funding opportunities, useful events and important conferences.

The ERDP is a virtual unit with Professor Stephen McHanwell, Director, and Susanne Lewis, Administrator at its core.  It’s owned by the Faculty and its L&T staff.

Get involved by posting a comment or visiting our website.