Aimee Paul

Looking at ancient Greek myths and the parallels they have with our society led me to the concept of hauntology which is the idea that “the future belongs to the ghosts”, and that we are constantly being haunted by our past. There is a real sense of aclotted time in the 21st century. This is mainly due to the effects of Capitalism in its creation of the “non-place”, as well as the ultimate non-place, that of cyberspace and the internet. These non-places are in essence leading to the erosion of time and originality, thereby posing questions such as what does it mean for something to be archaic now when everything feels old? The sense of the futuristic now belongs to the past, an idea that hasn’t been updated since the 90s. In my work I am trying to evoke this battle between the material and the ancient vs. the digital and ephemeral using a collage of digital and physical methods.