Intended audience: KMail users at Newcastle University.
The details you need to fill in are as follows:
Username: (empty)
Domain: (empty)
Password: (you know this)
Security: SSL
Authentication: Simple
DN: DC=campus,DC=ncl,DC=ac,DC=uk
Construct the Bind DN as follows:
Go to and login. Pay attention to the OUs section of the table. Your Bind DN is:
CN=(your username),OU=(the first part of the OUs section),OU=(the second part of the OUs section),(keep going with OU=… until you get to the last one),OU=(the last part of the OUs section),DN=campus,DN=ncl,DN=ac,DN=uk
For example, Jane Test has the username “njt123” and the OUs part of the table says “J first names, T surnames, Test Users, Campus Users” for her. Her Bind DN would be:
CN=njt123,OU=J first names,OU=T surnames,OU=Test Users,OU=Campus Users,DN=campus,DN=ncl,DN=ac,DN=uk
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