Mapping your H drive in Ubuntu MATE desktop

Intended audience: Linux users at Newcastle University

For other operating systems, NUIT have a guide.

  1. Go to My Details and click on “Technical information, including details of which file-server you use and any role accounts you own” to get the webfolders path to your H drive.
  2. Click on the Places menu and choose Connect to server…
  3. Fill in Type = Secure WebDAV (HTTPS), Server =, Folder = /home/homeXX/yourusername, and your user name and password. Tick Add bookmark and type “H Drive” as your bookmark name.
  4. Check that you have filled the form in correctly and click Connect.

If you need to access the H drive from the command line or a program (e.g. Matlab outputs), it is under /var/run/user/digits/gvfs/davs:string

You might also want to use University-supplied resilient storage to back up the local home folder on your Ubuntu PC.

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