Office 2007 is driving me nuts!

I have to admit that I love Office 2007 – it has so many great new features that make it possible to make really great looking documents with minimal effort and no need to have any real design skills. However, it does drive me round the bend when I’m trying to work out how to do some very simple stuff; it is just so different from Office 2003. All these weird ribbon menus… where IS everything!? It even took me ages to work out that this:

Office Menu logo

is a menu button! I thought it was just a nice logo and was quite surprised when I clicked on it and it opened a whole new world of menus!

If, like me, you’re finding Office 2007 a tad confusing, help is at hand! Microsoft have provided a series of interactive guides here:

The guides provide an excellent way of quickly locating task buttons and menus in Office 2007, and will save many a headache for all experienced Office 2003 users who are grappling with the new Office technology! Try starting the Word interactive guide now and you’ll see what I mean. Once the Office 2003 environment starts up, click on File… Open… and then watch…

Word Interactive Guide

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