One of most common scripts we write for users and groups of users is a simple drive map.
For example:
net use S: \\campus\software /persistent:yes
Now, Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions & RSAT now allow for drive to be mapped without any extra work.
1. Create and name a new Policy.
2. User Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Drive Maps
3. Right Click > New > Mapped Drive
4. Choose the behaviour (Create, Replace, Update or Delete) from the Action dropdown.
5. Enter a location e.g. \\campus\software\
6. Tick reconnect if you want the connection to persist (this replaces the /persistent:yes switch
7. Choose a drive letter.
8. If you wish you can set the Connect as fields.
9. Make sure the permissions are correct for the target folder.
10. Save and apply your policy.