BgInfo v4.13

In case anyone missed it. BgInfo v4.13 was released a few weeks ago. I know that a number of School Computing Officers use this useful tool for audit and support purposes.


I have previously used BGInfo in a startup script to have machines ‘Check in’ to an Access DB. You can use somthing like this (one line):

\\campus\software\pathtofile\Bginfo.exe \\pathtoconfigfile\config.bgi /timer:0

The config.bgi file allows you to set what data you want to capture and set a path for the DB file.


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About James

I am an Infrastructure Systems Administrator in the Infrastructure Systems Group (ISG) within ISS. We are responsible for a number of the core services which support the IT Infrastructure of the University including Active Directory, Exchange, DNS, Central Filestore, VMware and SQL. I hold number of current Microsoft Certifications and am also a Symantec Certified Specialist (Netbackup)

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