This page shows biographies for the various academics who will present papers and act as tutors on the ISLE Summer School. Please note that it is still under construction and will be expanded as soon as new information becomes available.

Prof. Carolina Amador-Moreno
University of Bergen, NO
Carolina Amador-Moreno is a Professor in English Linguistics. Her research interests focus on the English spoken in Ireland and include a variety of subdisciplines, including (historical) sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, stylistics and corpus linguistics. Her recent publications have focussed on the use of corpora to investigate Irish English.

Prof. Umberto Ansaldo
Curtin University, AU
Umberto Ansaldo is the Head of School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry at Curtin University, and has strong disciplinary roots in linguistics, most specifically in the study of language contact, linguistic typology, and language documentation. His recent publications have focussed on the rethinking of Englishes in multilingual ecologies, as well as pidgin and creole languages.

Prof. Jane Setter
University of Reading, UK
Jane Setter is Professor of Phonetics in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading. A National Teaching Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, Jane’s research interests include aspects of the phonology of learner and global varieties of English and speech prosody in atypical populations. Jane’s most recent publications include the Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics (Cambridge University Press, 2022, co-edited with Rachael-Anne Knight) and popular science book Your Voice Speaks Volumes (Oxford University Press, 2019).

Prof. Alfred Buregeya
University of Nairobi, KE
Alfred Buregeya is Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Languages. For over 20 years, his research has focused on describing the features of the English used in Kenya as a second language variety. In 2019, his 258-page monograph on the topic was published by De Gruyter Mouton as Kenyan English. In 2012, a chapter by the same title was published in Bernd Kortmann & Kerstin Lunkenheimer’s (eds) The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English. Since then, he has also been the informant on Kenyan English for Kortmann et al.’s (2013/2020) The Electronic World Atlas of Varieties of English (eWAVE) .

Dr Lynn Clark
University of Canterbury, NZ
Lynn Clark is a Senior Lecturer in linguistics, with interests in phonetics and phonology, sociolinguistics, and usage-based models of linguistics. Her recent publications have focussed on various aspects of New Zealand English, including systematic co-variation of monophthongs across speakers.

Dr Aris Clemons
University of Tennessee, US
Aris Clemons is an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, whose work spans the fields of linguistics, education, anthropology, and Black and Latinx studies. She is a scholar of raciolinguistics and questions the linguistic mechanisms behind the construction and maintenance of racialising and marginalising ideologies.

Ms Glenys Collard
The University of Western Australia, AU
Glenys Collard is an Honorary Research Fellow and a Noongar educator and writer. She is a member of the Stolen Generation and has been involved in the production of a range of works on Australian Aboriginal English alongside Dr Celeste Rodriguez Louro.

Dr Celeste Rodriguez Louro
The University of Western Australia, AU
Celeste Rodriguez Louro is a Senior Lecturer and an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow. She is a variationist sociolinguist, and her current research examines variation and change in varieties of Aboriginal English.

Prof. Karen Corrigan
Newcastle University, UK
Karen Corrigan is Professor of Linguistics and English Language. She has conducted extensive research on language and dialect in Ireland and has published widely in this field, in socio-historical linguistics and the sociology of language. She is also the current president of ISLE.

Dr Alexandra D’Arcy
University of Victoria, CA
Alexandra D’Arcy is an Associate Professor and a quantitative variationist sociolinguist, trained in the Labovian paradigm. Her recent publications have focussed on the discourse-pragmatic variation of like and on various aspects of linguistic change.

Dr Derek Denis
University of Toronto Mississauga, CA
Derek Denis is an Assistant Professor of Linguistcs with a particular interest in language change and innovation. His early work investigated earlier Canadian English using archival oral history recordings in an effort to understand a previous stage of Ontario English, and his current work looks toward the future.

Dr David Deterding
Universiti Brunei Darussalam, BN
David Deterding is a Professor with wide research interests in phonetics, world Englishes, the pronunciation of Malay and intelligibility in English as a lingua franca. His recent publications have investigated the features of Asian Englishes, including intelligibility in Chinese English in Central China.

Prof. Dr Robert Fuchs
University of Hamburg, DE
Robert Fuchs is an Associate Professor in English Linguistics with an interest in a variety of linguistic disciplines, including language variation and change and learner Englishes. His recent publications have focussed on collostructional investigations of British English and sociophonetic variation in Trinidadian English prosody.

Prof. Jette Hansen Edwards
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
Jette Hansen Edwards is a Professor with interests in second language phonology and World Englishes. Recent publications have included the impact of various factors on second language pronunciation, as well as the popularity of American English in Hong Kong.

Prof. David Jowitt
University of Jos, NG
David Jowitt is a Professor with a primary interest in all aspects of Nigerian English, i.e. the Nigerian variety of (Standard) English. This interest springs from his general interest in English language, in particular its contemporary grammar, phonology and history.

Dr Dania Bonness
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, NO
Dania Bonness is an Associate Professor with particular interests in Irish English. Her recent publications have focussed in the language used in emigrant letters in New Zealand and Ireland, having published a chapter on the topic as part of Keeping in Touch: Emigrant letters across the English-speaking world.

Prof. Keith Lilley
Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Keith Lilley is a historical geographer with particular research expertise in interpreting historic landscapes, maps and built environments. His research includes various aspects of cartography and historical geography.

Prof. Dr Isabel Martin
Karlsruhe University of Education, DE
Isabel Martin is a professor in English language and didactics and the head of the English department at Karlsruhe University of Education. Her work focusses strongly on literature and Early Englishes.

Dr Lisa Lim
Curtin University, AU; University of Sydney, AU; HKU, HK
Lisa Lim is an Associate Professor with research interests in multilingualism and language contact, World/Asian Englishes, especially those of Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Peranakans, language shift, endangerment and postvernacular vitality, and the sociolinguistics of globalisation. She is a consultant for the Oxford English Dictionary for Singapore and Hong Kong English, and columnist of the fortnightly ‘Language Matters’ column for the South China Morning Post’s Sunday Post Magazine.

Prof. Devyani Sharma
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Devyani Sharma is Professor of Sociolinguistics at Queen Mary University of London. Her research is on new English dialects, inter-ethnic contact, dialect variation, language change, bilingualism, and language attitudes. Her edited books include The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, Research Methods in Linguistics and English in the Indian Diaspora. She co-directs the online resources Accent Bias Britain, Teach Real English!, and Multilingual Capital.

Dr Kate Spowage
University of Leeds, UK
Kate Spowage is a Lecturer in English Language at the University of Leeds. Her research interests include decolonial approaches to language, political economy, and theories of ideology. She is currently working on Language as Statecraft, a monograph investigating the politics of language in Rwanda from the pre-colonial era to the present. She has published articles in Language Sciences and Language Matters.

Dr Mario Saraceni
The University of Portsmouth, UK
Mario Saraceni is a Reader in English and Linguistics, with primary research interests in all issues relating to the roles of English as a transnational and de-anglicised language, especially from a political and ideological perspective. He is specifically interested in the relationship between ‘English’ and (post-)national identities in the context of decolonisation.

Dr Salbrina Sharbawi
Universiti Brunei Darussalam, BN
Salbrina Sharbawi is a Senior Assistant Professor with research interests in sociophonetics, world Englishes (particularly Brunei English), language policy and planning and sociopolitical linguistics. Recent publications include investigating Generation Z usage of English in Brunei, and family language policies in the Malays of Brunei.

Dr Alex Leung
Debate panellist
Northumbria University, UK
Alex Leung is a Senior Lecturer in TESOL, having been with Northumbria University since 2012. He served between 2013-2019 on the British Association for Applied Linguistics as Meetings Secretary and is a section editor for Open Linguistics with De Gruyter. His research interests are centred around second language acquisition.

Prof. Diana Whaley
Place name tour leader
Newcastle University, UK
Diana Whaley is an Emeritus Professor of Early Medieval Studies, who taught at Newcastle University for 36 years. She continues to be active in her research, which focusses around old Norse-Icelandic literature and the onomastics of Northern England. She also holds the role of president for the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland.