Go-live – day 1 review

Today saw the phase 1 go-live – a milestone moment!  Dawn, Lisa and I, with the support of some ISS colleagues, completed the final few tasks at 7:00 this morning so that the system could be ready for people to start to use. 

The ISS Service Desk started the ball rolling, logging the first few tickets at around 8:00, and then other users got logged on from 8:45 onwards.

There was a good amount of feedback almost immediately as people started to navigate the system ‘for real’, with a lot of suggestions for how we could improve the dashboards that provide the main working space for analysts.  Most of these were implemented today, leaving just a few relatively minor issues to add to the list for review and prioritisation for the project team to work on over the coming weeks and months.

The plan now is to continue to gather the feedback, and to stop any further amendments as we  ‘let the dust settle’ and people become more familiar with the system.  Whilst this is happening, we can start working on some amendments in the development system ready for a round of testing prior to release.

Many thanks to those who came in extra early to help with the go-live, including Dawn Darby, Lisa Dimmick, Steve Cuthill, Dave Sharples and Chris Franks.



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