Incident Management resolution categories

Listed below are the Incident Management resolution categories that are currently available within NU Service.
If you believe there are any categories that are not currently available (for which you foresee a need when resolving incident tickets) please post your suggestions here.

Please note that for most of the categories, the fact that it is resolved by an analyst is implied therefore “Resolved by analyst” is not a category in itself. Also, we are avoiding the use of a catch all category such as “Resolved”.

Advice Provided
Cancelled by user
Cannot fix
Could not replicate
Duplicate record
Hardware repaired
Hardware replaced
No action taken
Password reset
Related incident resolved
Related problem resolved
Resolved by 3rd party
Resolved by change
Resolved by user
Training provided
User error

We look forward to receiving your suggestions.


2 thoughts on “Incident Management resolution categories

  1. If Resolved by Analyst by is implied then we may have to have quite a few more categories added, things like

    Software Fixed
    OS Updated
    Patches Applied
    Drivers Rolled Back

    Rather than all that, I would suggest a ‘Resolved by Analyst’ is a better solution – any further information should be included in the ‘Details’ section

    If not then should we just go with ‘Resolved with Change’? Although, I appreciate that in ITIL terminology ‘Change’ is a large concept all in itself…

  2. If we want to distinguish between a _Change_ (in the Change Management sense) and a normal update then perhaps “config update” would be appropriate to cover things that are resolved by standard config changes (thinking of things like adding/removing entries from email blocking lists). The specific type of change would be implied by the service the request related to.

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