One Down…

Everyone arrived on site feeling refreshed after well needed early night, ready to take on the day.

James H finished removing the fill of his ditch and prepped it to be photographed, after a plan and section drawing were completed – making this ditch the first finished feature of our site!

Meanwhile Chris, Hayley and James continued to excavate their feature throughout the day, discovering that it continued to grow in complexity with each scrape of the trowel.

We also received a visit from the students of Preston Secondary School. Andy showed them around the site, explaining what we are doing and why.


After the visit, Andy continued to work on a feature he had begun excavating earlier this week, expanding his section and discovering more stakeholes, in what we believe to be the feature enclosing the Roman site.

To their dismay Chris and James H were then tasked with excavating a section of what we think is a large ditch that cuts across the trench North East, South West – a couple of sherds of pottery and pieces of flint were found.

And that draws an end to an excellent week! With reinforcements arriving tomorrow we hope the next couple of weeks will be just as productive. With that it’s time for some food and a couple of well-earned drinks!

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