Working hard and shifting muck

The team were working extremely hard today, and managed to move an awful lot of ground to make some good archaeological progress.


The day kicked off with Hayley and Lucy returning to their Roman oven.  After identifying the edges of the feature and thoroughly cleaning it, Andy was able to snap some photos of it before Hayley and Lucy drew it and took some levels.


Meanwhile, the majority of the team were occupied with the northern and central sections of the trench.  James G led Josh, Frankie, Freddie, Pete and Sue in attempting to resolve the stratigraphic relationships between the rooms in the northern section of the villa, and the hitherto unrecorded apsidal room.  While the rest of the team were working hard, mattocking and shovelling, Elliot was working hard to identify the edges of what may turn out to be another hypocaust room.


In the centre of the trench, Andy led Matt, Jeff, James and Tilly in attempting to find out whether Hayward had left any in situ deposits in Room 4.  Despite their best efforts, it doesn’t seem to be the case, but Andy and Tilly managed to discover an almost complete pot in the ground!


After a quick paddle in our new paddling pool, the team enjoyed a meal of corned beef hash prepared by Becca and Doug.

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