Ham(stone) sandwiches

At the start of the day, Elliot and Doug were tasked with cleaning up what Elliot began working on yesterday – an unexcavated room in the Northern end of the trench.

After cleaning up the feature, Andy took some photographs and Doug was reassigned with working through the trench, filling out various masonry context sheets for the rest of the day.


Meanwhile, Andy led his team of Jeff, Freddie, Becca, Frankie and Matt in diving deeper into Room 4.  Although the team worked hard, they failed to turn up any mosaics in the room. Indeed, it would appear that any mosaics here are long gone. Removed by the excavations of the 1950s and 1960s.


Hayley, meanwhile worked with Lucy to continue to excavate their oven on the East side of the trench, before moving on to more mosaic hunting in the South-East corner of the trench (again to no avail). They did, however, identify the line of the stone channel for the waterpipe.

James G, Elliot and Pete returned to their room to peel back the newly recorded context…


… to reveal some exciting archaeology.  They discovered a channel bordered by two giant burnt hamstones, which may have been used as a stoke hole for the heated flooring of the villa.



At the end of the day, the team returned home to see that James B had been working hard processing finds, as Josh prepared our tea of Spaghetti Bolognese.



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