3Ps: Dialogues

The next 3Ps: Pizza Pop and Practice workshop will take place on 29th November 2016.

The topic is ‘Dialogues’ and draws together sessions on storytelling using Microsoft Sway and the complexities of designing materials accessible to all students.

The event will take place between 12 and 2pm in the Hope and Tees Clusters of the Robinson Library.

There will, of course, be pizza and pop available before the workshops begin.

Please do register here.

We look forward to seeing you there!


NUTELA Peer Recognition Awards 2017

Nominations are now open for the NUTELA Peer Recognition Awards 2017.

Student robot holding a trophy. Technology concept. Isolated

Has someone helped you? Has another member of University staff gone out of their way to help you use technology? Would you like her/him to be recognised? If so, let us know!

NUTELA is once again offering two peer recognition awards this year. We are looking for nominations of staff members who have contributed to peer support or the mentoring of others learning about and/or working with technology. It might be someone who has helped you understand the purpose of a specific learning technology, or someone who has been instrumental in progressing TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) initiatives in your unit.  You are welcome to nominate any member of staff at Newcastle University.

The nomination process is simple. In 500 words or less, just answer these two questions and send your response to nutelaops@ncl.ac.uk.

  1. How has this staff member contributed to your learning, working or development with TEL?

2. How has this contributed to the Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy

The deadline is November 30, 2016. NUTELA will review the applications and make a decision. All nominees will be told they have been nominated, and will be invited to present their work at the year-end NUTELA conference.

The award will be presented at the 4Ps event in January 2017 and the winners will be invited to the Vice-Chancellor’s Celebrating Success event.

You can see examples of nominations in the NUTELA Peer Recognition Awards Programme and read about last year’s winners on our blog.


NUTELA 3PS : Flipped Classroom

NUTELA hope that you are able to join us for the next Pizza, Pop and Practice. This time we are focusing on flipped classrooms.

NUTELA 200516

The event takes place on the 20th of May from 12pm until 2pm in the Committee Room at the Robinson Library.

In the sessions we will explore:

  • What is a “flipped classroom”?
  • View flipped classroom examples from Newcastle University
  • Find out student feedback from flipped classroom activity
  • Learn about any barriers you may face, and the best way to overcome these
  • Hear about lessons learned from colleagues using flipped classroom techniques

To book your place fill out a registration form.

NUTELA Conference Funding

4613Are you going to a conference based on technology and teaching? Are you presenting at that conference?

If you are you are willing to come and share your experiences and learning points with NUTELA, we might be able to help by contributing to the conference fees. If you are registered for a conference, let us know.

To apply: submit a copy of your abstract presentation acceptance, a copy of the invoice and a 500 word explanation as to how your attendance will benefit the University by May 31, 2016 to the NUTELA steering group.

NUTELA 4Ps: The Awards


On Friday 4 March NUTELA held our inaugral Peer Recognition Awards at the Marjorie Robinson Rooms.

The event was a tremendous success, thanks to the work of the team and more than 50 staff enjoyed some pizza, pop, plonk and practice in the convivial surroundings of the Marjorie Robinson cafe.


Pro-VC Suzanne Cholerton introduces the awards – we even managed to get hold of some Nutella to give away!

Thanks go to the winners of the 2015 awards, Gigi Herbert and Graham Paterson for two really informative presentations about their work and to Pro-VC to Learning and Teaching Suzanne Cholerton for presenting winners and runners-up with their awards.

Gig presenting

Award winner Gigi Herbert and Salome Bolton, who nominated her, presenting on the use of Grademark in the Careers Service

We are now preparing to launch next year’s awards – watch this space.

You can see the whole NUTELA Peer Recognition Awards Programme, including individual nominations.

4Ps: The Awards, 4th March

NUTELA 4PNUTELA is delighted to announce that we will be celebrating the winners and nominees of our inaugral Peer Recognition Awards, with a feast of pizza, plonk, pop and practice!

To be held at the University’s swanky new Marjorie Robinson Rooms on Sandyford Road, the event will take place on Friday 4th March at 3.30pm.

It will showcase best practice as well as rewarding the hard work of staff who go above and beyond to help colleagues to employ technology in their teaching.

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching Suzanne Cholerton will present awards to our 2015 award winners, Graeme Patterson (CEGS) and Gigi Herbert (Careers).

The winners will talk about their award-winning practice and there will be posters to celebrate the work of runners-up.

Details of this year’s competition will also be available at the event.

We hope that you will join us!

To do so please fill out the online form.

Pizza, Pop and Practice: Sound and Vision 27th November 2015

Participants at 3Ps Workshop 27th November 2015

Participants at 3Ps Workshop 27th November 2015

The recent Pizza, Pop and Practice workshop on Sound and Vision, looking at making recordings and short video clips for use in teaching, was a tremendous success.
Participants enjoyed their pizza and pop, whilst learning about Audacity (which enables you to make short sound recordings and clips), Animoto (which allows you to make short video clips to advertise events or explain simple concepts – see Jo’s video about the workshop below), as well as looking at ways to use Microsoft Office Mix to create videos and recordings for use in powerpoints or online.

Thanks to everyone who came along and thanks in particular to Lucy Keating, Marc Bennett, Jo Robinson-Lamb and Nuala Davis for delivering such interesting workshops!
All of the materials from the workshops are now available on this blog.
Interested in using these materials in your teaching? Contact LTDS for more information and support.

Vision – Animoto

Animoto - choose a style

Animoto – choose a style

At our last 3P’s session we also ran two sessions on vision.

These looked at using Microsoft software for developing videos and image galleries, as well as Animoto, a software available free online.

Animoto can be used for free, by registering for an Educator’s account….

It’s very simple to use.

Here are some of the materials from the session to jog your memory or get you started:

1. Step-by Step guide to Animoto (docx)

2. Video guide

3. Guide to getting an Educator’s Account

Then it’s just practice really!




NUTELA 3PS 111115NUTELA will hold it’s first Pizza, Pop and Practice workshop of this academic year in the Tees Cluster at the Robinson Library on Friday 27th November 2015.

The workshop, entitled Sound and Vision in Teaching, will showcase techniques to use video and sound editing software to create short film sequences and audio recordings for teaching.

As well as vast quantities of FREE PIZZA and POP over lunchtime, the event will offer a series of short workshops to show participants how to use Microsoft Mix to put together or mix up words and images, Vine and Animoto to make short animations and Audacity to record short sound clips.

See Animoto in action and learn more about the event:


Participants must register for catering purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there!