Public lecture series

May be of interest to some of you….

Hensley Henson Public Lecture on the Church in Politics

‘Why churches and Christians should be involved in public life’
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
Former Bishop of Rochester

Monday, 19 October, 18:00
Prior’s Hall, Durham Cathedral


Hensley Henson, Bishop of Durham 1920 to 1939, is remembered as a man of conviction and controversy. At one time a staunch advocate of the Church’s establishment, he became a strong voice for disestablishment on the bishops’ bench.

This new annual public lecture will continue Henson’s legacy, reflecting critically on the political relationship between Church and state and the balance of benefits and compromises it entails. The inaugural lecture will be delivered by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester, and is entitled ‘Why churches and Christians should be involved in public life’.

The event is free, though we are limited for space. Please confirm attendance to

This event is being supported by Durham Cathedral and Durham University’s Department of History, Department of Theology and Religion, and the School for Government and International Affairs.


Henson public lecture poster

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