Graduate Conference – Dublin – Dialogue

Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference 2018

‘Dialogues in Philosophy’

Trinity College Dublin/ University College Dublin

4-5th May 2018

Deadline for abstracts: 9th February 2018

Keynote Speaker: Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)

Most of philosophy, whether historical or contemporary, can be seen to be dialogical; very rarely is philosophical enquiry carried out in isolation. Sometimes this is explicit, when a philosopher is motivated to produce a direct response to an argument, idea or position. In some cases, thinkers might respond to an established tradition. In other cases, it may be an as yet under-developed position that either needs encouraging or else might be seen to be problematic. Furthermore, the dialogue form is popular throughout the history of philosophy, reflecting the sense that philosophers’ arguments are best understood when it is clear what they are arguing against.

For this year’s Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference, we are looking for papers that address the theme, broadly construed, of ‘Dialogues in Philosophy’. Abstracts might address explicit dialogues between contemporary thinkers, historical figures, or both. They might include different contributions to the state of historical or current debates in Philosophy (e.g. philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, continental philosophy etc.). However, we would be equally interested in less explicit dialogues and debates. Issues to be considered might include (but are by no means limited to):

•    The extent to which philosophy ought to be dialogical (questions concerning different methodologies in philosophy are of direct relevance).

•    The most influential dialogues in both the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophy.

•    The merits/ flaws of the dialogue form (e.g. Plato, Hume) in philosophy.

•    Any potential restraints or restrictions that might come from seeing philosophy as dialogical.

We do not wish the conference theme to be restrictive, and are open to various approaches to the issue. We would welcome abstracts of 250 words max. from graduate/postgraduate students in any institution. The deadline for abstract submissions is 9th February 2018, and we will notify successful applicants by the end of February.

Abstracts and queries should be sent to either Peter West ( or Rana Bizri (

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